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It had been a couple of days since
the dinner. Kara hadn't been able
to fully apologize for her brother's
embarrassing behavior. Yeonjun was
working, Kara was working. Life
seemed to be against them at the

Kara steps out of the bus and walks to
the 7/11 nearby. On her way, she texts
Yeonjun, about meeting up. He says he can't. She calls him. Surprisingly, he answers.

"Please tell me you're not ignoring me
right now."


"I'm at the 7/11 on XXX street. Please

"I already told you you don't need to
apologize. I had fun, believe it or not."

"Fine. Come anyway, I haven't seen you in a while." Kara arrives at the 7/11 and grabs a chocolate milk.


"Please." She hands the cashier the
money. She thanks him and heads

"Lemme guess, you bought...mint choco milk!"

"Yeonjun, stop changing the subject."

Kara sits in one of the tables outside
She places her phone between her
cheek and shoulder, attempting to
open her chocolate milk, "And it's
chocolate, I hate mint choco."

"Ohh, I forgot you hate mint choco."

"You're the one who likes mint choco."

"Right," he giggled

Kara sipped a little of her chocolate
milk, "Well?"

"Yeah, I'll come."

'I'll be waiting." She hung up. Kara
chugged her chocolate milk, finishing
it completely. And she sat there waiting for him.

Nearly half an hour had passed, and Yeonjun had yet to arrive. Kara couldn't fathom why she was still left waiting. Her anxiety only intensified with each passing minute, causing her worry to consume her. She couldn't help but question why he was taking so much time? Perhaps he had changed his mind and decided not to come?

No, she thought. He'd tell her if he

But would he, though? He said he
would, but she began to doubt. It was
It was never good when Kara began to doubt. Kara was the definition of positive. She was bright and bubbly and full of sunshine.

Perhaps Kara had made the mistake of trusting the wrong individuals on multiple occasions, but why should that matter? Deep within her heart, Kara possessed an abundance of love that she yearned to bestow upon someone deserving. Was there really anything inherently flawed in her desire to do so? However, as doubts began to seep into Kara's mind, it became clear that something was wrong.

Thankfully, Yeonjun did show up
Thirty-two minutes. That's how long
it took him. Traffic, he blamed it on

"I am so sorry."

"What matters is you're here," Kara
stood up, she leaned in for a kiss.
Yeonjun hugged her instead and gave
her a kiss on the cheek, and he smiled
gently at her. He explained the trouble at his work, and the nonstop traffic prevented him from coming sooner. He apologized once more.

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