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It had been several days since Yeonjun and Soobin had spent time together. Soobin had believed that the information he shared with Yeonjun would surely lead to Kara ending their relationship, but instead, his plan had completely backfired.

"I don't get it! How come Kara seems to like him more every day?" Soobin whined. His plans weren't going as he thought they would go.

"Yeah, it's confusing. Why is Kara faking everything? She doesn't even like strawberries milk, so how come now when Yeonjun gives it to her? It's literally the only milk she drinks!" Beomgyu also whined.

The two boys were whining while Taehyun stayed there sighing. "Have you idiots ever thought about just stopping?"

The two rose up to look at Taehyun. "What do you mean?" Beomgyu asked.

"You guys they seem happy together? I don't understand why you won't just stop it? Also, what's the point of it? Soobin, you know he isn't bad for your sister and, Beomgyu you breaking them up really doesn't do anything for you." Taehyun explained.

"I hate to say this, Gyu, but I think he's right?" Soobin said.

"What?! Oh, hell no. We still have one last plan, right? Third times, a charm we go to this!" Beomgyu said. He quickly got up and looked at the piece of paper Soobin made a few days ago.

Beomgyu pointed, "See, look at that, we still have the bunny cafe. Soobin, remember, did you tell him that?"

Soobin nodded, "Wait are we still gonna do the spying thingy?"

"Of course we are!"


"I don't understand why you need to put so much makeup on your face. It's just a date." Soobin said, anoyyed.

Kara looked at him, "You'll understand one day when you get someone."

"Whay are you talking about? I would never wear makeup on a date? Also, I'm straight stupid."

Kara continued doing her makeup, "Whatever."

Ding Dong...

"Yay! He's here!" Kara said while putting away her makeup in the drawers.

Kara took the lead, gracefully walking ahead, and Soobin trailed behind her. As they approached the door, anticipation filled the air, and Kara's hearts quickened with excitement. With a gentle push, they swung open the door. There stood Yeonjun, his face with a smile as he had a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"Hey Kara, I got you these." Yeonjun said, holding out the bouquet.

"You got me Orchids! They are so pretty!" Kara said, smelling them.

I thought she hated them? Soobin thought.

"Bye Yeonjun, bye Kara. Have fun on your date." Soobin said, then closing the door.

As soon as Yeonjun and Kara left, Soobin instantly reached out to Taehyun and Beomgyu, telling them they had left.

"Gyu, Hyun, they just left. Are you guys ready?"

"Yeah, we're almost at your house." Beomgyu said on the phone.

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit then." And with that, Soobin ended the call waiting patiently for the two to come.


When the duo arrived at Soobin's house, they came fully equipped and ready. They made sure to wear masks, hats, and even covered every inch of their bodies with long sleeves. Their intention was clear they were definitely not getting caught.

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