f o u r t e e n

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Feeling bored and with nothing to occupy his time, Beomgyu made a decision to visit Soobin's house in order to spend some time together.

Upon arriving at Soobin's house, Beomgyu approached the door and gently tapped on it. To his surprise, when the door swung open, it was not Soobin standing there, but rather Kara. "Oh hey Beomie, what are you doing here?"

When Kara asked that question, Beomgyu felt his heart quicken its pace and how his cheeks slowly flush with warmth. However, he thought about the advice Taehyun gave him, and in an effort to steady himself, he inhaled deeply and consciously maintained a composed demeanor.

"Hey Kara," Beomgyu smiled, "Where is Soobin?"

"Oh, he went out with Huening Kai."
Kara explained.

Feeling a bit sad, Beomgyu sighed, "Oh okay, I'll get going then. Bye noona."

"Wait! How about you stay?" She asked.

"R-really?" Fuck! Why did I stutter?! Beomgyu thought.

"Yeah, we could bake or play games. I really have nothing to do, so you should stay." Kara insisted.

"Oh, okay then." Beomgyu smiled, walking into the house.

She sat on the couch, "What should we do, Beomie?"

"Uh, we– we could bake?" Beomgyu said.

"Alright then." With that, she got up and went to the kitchen.

Kara carefully looked through both the cabinets and the fridge,searching for ingredients to prepare a delicious dessert for both herself and Beomgyu. After thoroughly inspecting the available food items, she turned to her phone for assistance in finding a recipe.

While she was looking through her phone, she found a cookie recipe. "Okay, Beomie, we are baking cookies. Help me take out the ingredients, please."

Beomgyu and Kara worked together, gathering all the necessary ingredients to make the batch of cookies. Once they were ready to start the baking process, Kara carefully measured and poured the flour into the mixing bowl.

She made half the flour spill on herself.....

As half of the flour accidentally spilled onto Kara, she let out a surprised gasp. In a state of shock, she turned her gaze towards Beomgyu, who was equally taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. Reacting quickly, he hurriedly rushed over to get a wet paper towel to gently clean Kara's face from the flour residue.

"Are you okay?!" Beomgyu asked, still shocked.

Kara remained in her spot, her gaze fixated on Beomgyu's gentle actions as he delicately wiped her face. She couldn't help but notice the deep concern etched across Beomgyu's face.

Once Beomgyu had successfully removed all the flour from her face, Kara couldn't help but burst into laughter, causing Beomgyu to join in. Little did they realize, their laughter soon escalated into a full-blown flour fight, resulting in a chaotic and messy scene unfolding on the floor.

"Ahh!" Beomgyu screamed and threw another bit of flour onto Kara.

"Beomgyu, I'm gonna get you!" She started running, trying to catch Beomgyu.

As Kara's mother stepped inside the house, her eyes immediately fell upon the chaos that Kara and Beomgyu had managed to create. They were so caught up in their fun that they didn't see Kara's mom watching them. They were having a great time throwing flour at each other. Until her mother yelled. "What the hell did you guys do?

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