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Jungkook was getting ready to go out with Taehyung but why was he nervous? This is the first time he was getting nervous.

"What's this now?! This is not the first time he asked to hang out. Why am I getting nervous, today only?"
Jungkook muttered.

"Is it okay? Or should I change?"
Jungkook glanced himself in the mirror once again.

"Urgh! It's tight! I will change it... I don't like it, hyungie will laugh at me"
Kookie huffed and turned around to change when he saw a really very pissed off Namjoon.

"What's this Jungkook-ah?"
Namjoon spoke, looking over the room.

Whole room was spread with lots of Jungkook's clothes. The room was looking a complete mess.

"Sorry hyung, I will clean it"
Koo apologetically spoke up. Namjoon sighed.

"I'm not talking about the mess kookie. I am asking about you, what's this? Why are you nervous hm?"
Namjoon asked making Jungkook sighed heavily.

"I don't know hyung, why I am getting nervous suddenly? I hung out with TaeTae hyungie a lot of times but I am feeling something else for today. It's like something is going to happen"
Jungkook explained. Namjoon chuckled.

"Jungkook-ah you might be the maknae among us but you are the only one who is the most sensible and composed boy among us. I don't care whatever going to happen today with Taehyung but I'm sure that you will manage it perfectly. You have to throw the negative thoughts from your head."

"And just enjoy today's date"
Namjoon completed and ruffled Jungkook's hairs in adoration.

"It's just the friendly hang out Joonie hyung. He don't feel the same"
Koo pouted sadly.

"Ooh~ that means you feel something different hm?"
Namjoon wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

Kookie whined making Namjoon laugh out loud.

"Okay sorry, go fast he is waiting for you and yeah if you are not comfortable on this clothes then you can change"
Jungkook nodded.

'Yes it's seriously uncomfortable'
Jungkook thought and took out another pair of clothes from his cupboard.

Namjoon went downstairs and found Taehyung pacing back and forth.

Taehyung immediately cut him off.

"Hyung I'm really sorry for morning's rudeness, I was pissed off from something else and it may or may not be came out on you and other hyungs"
Tae hung his head low. Namjoon shook his head.

"My innocent bear. I know you baby. I never ever felt bad because of your behaviour. I know what pissed you off"
Namjoon smirked. Taehyung squinted his eyebrow.

Namjoon facepalmed himself.

'Shame on me! Can't even handle a secret'
Namjoon started to sweat badly.

Taehyung shouted, Namjoon flinched hard.

"Yeah? Why are you shouting?!"
Namjoon yelled back.

"You were zoned out, you were telling me why I got pissed off in the morni--"
"AHH! Jungkook told me to tell you to wait for ten minutes, he is changing his outfit"
Joonie cut them off in hurry. Taehyung stared at him weirdly

"Hyung I--"
"Bear, I have some work in the s-studio, see you later. And take care. Don't be so late... Bye!"
Joonie once again cut him off and left the place immediately.

'Thank goodness I didn't wait there... Otherwise I was so close to spit out the truth'
Namjoon patted his shoulders proudly.

"You are smart Namjoon"
Namjoon praised himself and drove off to the studio.

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