Blooming Love ❤️

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On the very next day, Jungkook was with PD nim talking about his cover. PD nim praised Jungkook for his voice. Jungkook's intention was to make Taehyung and his first day as a couple special he never wanted to forget this moment anyhow. Yeah... PD nim don't have any need to know about it. Right? Yeah right!

He did his best in singing the cover. Taehyung chuckled at Jungkook's tantrums. He says "It's not perfect hyung" "I will try it one more hyung" "Yah hyungie! Don't laugh" and etc.

When Jungkook was done recording the song. It was time for the editing but he thought that he will do it later. Because it's his and hyungie's cuddle time. He approached Tae's room and frowned upon seeing only Jimin and hoseok in the room.

"Ooo~ Boyfie is here for his boyfie~"
Jimin teased, Jungkook was whole red tomato. Hoseok laughed at their cute maknae.

"Umm j-jimin hyung"
"Yes my sweet little bears boyfriend"
Jungkook clasped his face, blushing furiously.

Hoseok slapped jimin's arm playfully.

"Stop teasing him, Jimin!"
Hoseok scolded and Jimin muttered a small sorry.

"Okay bunny boy, what happened? Why are you here?"
Hoseok asked patting his shoulder.

"Actually I was h-here to call TaeTae hyungie"
Jungkook asked hesitantly.

"Aigoo~ see I told you that he is for his boyfie, but no you have to scold me"
Jimin put his hands on his waist pouting cutely.

"Oh my goodness, Jiminie being cute!!"
Hoseok squished his cheeks.

"Hyung! It hurts!"
Jimin yanked hobi's hand.

"Then stop being cute..."
Jimin and hobi started to argue in cute manner, forgetting the fluff boy who was fiddling with his fingers.

"Hyung! We literally forgot about kookie"
Jimin shrugged his shoulders making hoseok burst in fit of laughter.

"Okay, okay what were you saying kookie?"
Hoseok asked.

"Where's taetae--"
"Baby he is not here, we thought he is with you as Namjoon hyung is in studio."
Jimin said in confusion, hoseok nodded his head.

"Yeah, he is not here since morning"
Hoseok informed. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.

"What? I was recording my cover, yesterday he was with me but today I recorded the remaining song alone, I thought he is with you guys..."
Jungkook's eyes saddened.

'I thought of cuddling him before editing and posting the cover song of mine... But see that bear is nowhere to be found'
Jungkook sulked, jihope glanced at each other before shaking their head at the cutie bunny baby.

"Don't worry, he might be busy in something or may be he is waiting in your room?"
Jimin told koo whose eyes sparkled in happiness.

"Oh yes!! He might be waiting for me as I didn't checked there! So stupid of me!"
Jungkook facepalmed himself and jogged towards his room excitedly.

"He and his lover boy both are so cute and adorable! Isn't it hobi hyung"
Hoseok hummed in process.

"I'm afraid of the staff... What will happen if somehow PD nim got to know about them? Will he hurt our couple?"
Jimin asked in worry.

"I don't know about him Jimin-ah, but I am damn sure that there will be a lot of struggles as our country is pure homophobic and talking about PD nim then I am guaranteed that he is old fashioned person..."
Hoseok continued.

"In our contract it's purely mentioned that we aren't supposed to date any girl and these both aren't dating any girl, they are dating each other. If they were dating any girl once in a while, there would be less stress but it's same gender... And It's really very difficult"
Hobi sighed sadly.

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