Sweet little start

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Taekook reached the dorm, giggling at their own jokes. Taehyung flirting with Jungkook who flirts back making Taehyung shock, etc.

As soon as they reached in the living room they frowned in confusion, when they saw the lights were switched off.

"Our hyungs slept so early, don't you think so? Isn't it strange for you?"
Jungkook asked to tae who nod his head boringly.

"That means I have to sleep in that regular room of mine, jimin's and hobi hyungs room, I thought I would ask Namjoon hyung to sleep in your room, and send Namjoon hyung to jimin's and hobi hyungs room..."
Taehyung pouted, Jungkook slapped his arms playfully.

"Come on! Don't be sad... It's just the start. First we have to see if other--"
Suddenly the lights turned on startling them in process.

All the members came out surprising taekook.

"Woah! I thought you guys slept"
Taehyung said is surprised, Jungkook too was surprised.

"Oh come on! Why would we sleep when our youngest members of the group were going to be couple.... Or we can say they already are couple now? Mhm"
Jimin nudged Taehyung his teasing mode on.

"But-- but how you got to know that we are going to be couple, hm? Because I wasn't that obvious I guess?"
Taehyung asked crossing his arms.

(He wasn't obvious? Really?)

Don't ask what Jungkook was doing, because Mr. Cute little bunny was standing in the corner shyly. He never thought his all hyungs will support him and will celebrate his love life by their heart. He felt overwhelmed and also he was shy as heck!

"You weren't obvious? YOU?"
Hobi shook him by his shoulder.

"Hobi hyung, stop shaking me!"
Taehyung giggled.

"Then what? You were the most obvious one. I thought you are the one who fell in love with jungkook--"
Jhope got interrupted by kookie's soft and delicate voice

"It doesn't matter hyung who fell first for me it matters the most is that Taehyung loves me the way I love him"
Jungkook fiddled with his finger, biting on his lips.

"But still hobi hyung, you are right. I was the one who fell in love first, it's just I realised it late..."
Taehyung explained. Everyone except taekook squealed loudly.

"Love is in the air~"
Jin, hoseok and Jimin sing a song.

"Everyone is congratulating Taehyung and Jungkook... Who will thank me? I was the one who made them together"
Yoongi said boringly. Shrugging his shoulders in disbelief.

"What do you mean Yoongi hyung?"
Taehyung asked.

Jungkook and Yoongi started at each other for a while.

"You didn't told him?"
Yoongi asked to Jungkook who shook his head, biting back his smile.

"Don't tell me that I have to narrate the story? I can't kookie please, I am really very sleepy"
Yoongi lay back on the couch lazily.

"Story? Which story? What are you saying hyung?"
Taehyung asked desperately. Yoongi shake his head in disbelief.

"It was my plan to make you both together"
Yoongi said smiling proudly to himself.

"By making you jealous Taehyung-ah! How can you be so naive of the person hm? We all got to know but you? He has to explain everything wow!"
Jin yelled loudly.

"Jealous? What are you saying Jin hyung?! What you got to know?!"
Taehyung was getting frustrated.

Jin marched towards the kitchen ready to take out his famous frying pan to hit Taehyung but Jimin was quick to hold their angry hyung.

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