Patience is all needed... (Taelous)

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Tae sang a song. Jungkook giggled, they were cuddling in Tae's room, Hoseok and Jimin were out with Namjoon, for some important work.

Jungkook replied back.

"Army's are loving your song bun"
Tae caressed his cheeks softly, kissing it softly.

"Oh really? But what about you? Didn't you like it? You didn't even reacted on my cover..."
Jungkook asked pouting, Taehyung can't help but to bite on that puffed out cheek of his lover.

"I gave you a lot of kisses bun, you still doubt?"
Taehyung asked laughing.

"Yeah, that is true... But I gave army's the hint too!"
"Mhm... I know baby. My baby is bold"
Taehyung sniffed koo's neck before placing a sweet kissy making Jungkook giggle.

"It tickles hyungie..."
Kookie whined, and Taehyung blew more kisses on his neck which made Jungkook burst into fit of laughter.

"You are 20 years old this year, right?"
Taehyung asked nudging kookie who smiled in proud.

"Yes, I'm 20 now.."
Koo replied making Taehyung smiled cheekily, and nudged Jungkook once again raising his eyebrows. Jungkook smiled bunny teeth peeking out.

Jungkook too secretly raised his eyebrows.

Taehyung was smiling teasingly, and in seconds he started to get shy. He was going to say something but they were in front of camera and they can't lose their emotions infront of them.

Time skip

BTS were at the mama award show. They were really very happy, to attend the show. And since taekook confessed their love and now they are couples, their happiness was on next level. All the members were thinking for the best.

Everyone were dancing, Taehyung was really hyped up while dancing. He was enjoying the dance, his lover was there with Hoseok, who was also swaying his hips. He was happy seeing Jungkook dancing cutely. That's when the MPD nim came wearing his all-time favourite helmet. He was goofing with BTS members a lot.

He took Hoseok for dancing, and Taehyung started to get excited. He was dancing and jumping with his jhope hyung.

But his mood took 360° u turn when that same helmet wearing MPD nim started to dance with his Jungkook. How dare he?! Dancing with his boyfriend. But what made him more mad that Jungkook was enjoying too. How could he?!

The hyped up boy was literally stood as it is, unhappy at all. He so wanted to pull his kookie towards him, telling to the helmet wearing person that Jungkook is his but can't do that, it will not look professional right? Right!

His smile, face and enjoyment dropped in a minute. Thanks to MPD Helmet guy!

Jungkook dancing alone or dancing with his hyungs he felt happy and not that much angry and he himself loved when Jungkook enjoys and get free with others, but entry of helmet guy made Tae's mood sour, because MPD was literally clinging onto Jungkook.

'Why he has to be so close with Jungkook?!'
Taehyung internally screamed.

MPD left to other idols for a while when Jungkook noticed Taehyung's face. He was confused. When tae was looking pissed off.

'What happened to him?'
Jungkook stared at his lover but Taehyung didn't even spare a glance at him. Which may or may not be made kookie sad.

They settled down on their seats. Taehyung was on this corner beside Jin and Jungkook was on other corner. Taehyung was trying to cheer up his mood that's when the same helmet guy came and sat beside Jungkookie.

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