Pay back... (Jeonlous)

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The award function was going on smoothly, right now there were dance performances.

As usual they were sitting at the same place, Taehyung left the helmet guy's side and went at his usual place beside Jin. Taehyung's control was already left when that helmet guy ignored him and talked to Jungkook, he thought of a plan to make his koo realise his mistake.

Taehyung smirked internally before proceeding his plan. He put his hands on Jin's shoulder getting intimately close and started to enjoy the songs, by swaying his body. Jungkook was unaware about it, that helmet guy was just annoying him to the core and kookie being the innocent one, didn't complaint.

Jin was confused but ignored as he thought Taehyung was enjoying the song.

'Thank goodness he is enjoying, I thought he will kill MPD nim for sure...'
Poor Jin, he thought that tae forgot his jealousy over kookie but no Taehyung was taking revenge on Jungkook by using Jin.

"This song and their performance is very good, right hyung?"
Taehyung asked in fake excitement his whole concentration was on his love who was still oblivious about the chaos.

Taehyung licked his lips in anger that Jungkook wasn't giving him a tiny bit of attention.

'The hell Jungkook! I'm making you jealous and you aren't even glancing at me!!'
Unknowingly he clutched onto Jin hyung tight making him startled.

"Tae calm down, I know you loved the song and dance but it's my beautiful shoulder don't put your whole pressure on my shoulder!!"
Jin whispered yelled at Taehyung who retracted his hand.

"I'm sorry hyung..."
Tae apologised.

"It's okay baby, enjoy but don't hurt my handsome body"
Jin winked at Taehyung on which he once again put his hand on Jin's shoulder, that's when Jungkook tilted his head and internally gasped.

'What is going on over there? Why hyungie is getting so close to Jin hyung'
Jungkook poked his tongue in annoyance.

"M-may be he is enjoying, right he is enjoying"
Jungkook convinced to himself.

"What did you said, Jungkook-ssi?"
Helmet guy asked.

"Uh, nothing hyung"
Jungkook smiled in assurance.

Taehyung understood that Jungkook is seeing him, and his plan is getting success. So his smirk widen.
He scoot near Jin very close making Jungkook burn in fire. Helmet guy already left the place and approached the other idols.

Jungkook intensely glared at the duo with his rageful eyes, Taehyung stared at him for a while and started to proceed on his act, as if mocking jungkook. He started to sing the song in excitement, Jin joined him too, fully unknown to the chaos.

'Plan successful... You were making me jealous right? Now endure everything baby'
Tae smirked.

Jungkook's face dropped when Taehyung leaned in near Jin's ear whispering something, he scratched his eyebrow as an act of getting pissed.

'I never thought Jin hyung is supporting tae in this shit play...'
Jungkook gritted his teeth.

Taejin were so into music or we can say only Jin was so into music that he fail to notice the nervous and rageful pair of eyes. Taehyung purposely stared at Jungkook and started to enjoy.

Jungkook tried to make himself engrossed in the dancing but his heart was hurting. He glanced at Hoseok trying to make a conversation, but Hoseok was oblivious he confusedly stared at Jungkook.

"What happened kookie?"
Hobi asked but Jungkook ignored.

He stared at him for a while and roam his eyes to the members and got the situation.

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