Crossed the limits?

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Taehyung was out of Jungkook's room contemplating with himself that whether he should go or not. He is mad at Jungkook's behaviour. He don't want Jungkook to get mad at Jin hyung. His mood is still sour but he have to talk with Jungkook just for his Jin hyung.

He hesitantly knocked on the door. Soon a while the door got opened by kookie who stared at tae for a while and went inside, not even bothering to ask.

Taehyung stared at him in shock
'I should be the one to ignore you or get mad at you, but see...'

"I... Why aren't you talking with Jin hyung Jungkook?"
Tae asked coldly. Jungkook rolled his eyes, when Taehyung did not addressed him with any nickname. Tae gritted his teeth at the attitude.

"Ask yourself, and if you are just for Jin hyung, then I don't wanna talk--"
"What is wrong with you Jungkook?!"
Taehyung yelled making koo startled.

"There's n-nothing wrong with me"
Jungkook stuttered, lowering his gaze due to fear.

"Then why the hell you are showing me this kind of attitude huh?! You didn't showed this attitude to that helmet friend of yours?!"
Taehyung slammed koo against the wall, roaring at Jungkook's face, who started to shiver under Tae's gaze.

"T-taehyung hyung, le-leave me.. my arms are hurting"
Jungkook said struggling from the grip.

"I'll not! Just speak the truth! Why are you ignoring Jin hyung? Why?"
Jungkook put his all strength to push tae, which he successfully did.

"Because he was involved in your stupid shit!! He was getting clingy to you and he even ignored my stare, purposely! He is hyung he should understand"
Jungkook stomped his feet towards the restroom but Taehyung pulled him by his wrist.

"He wasn't involved, infact he wasn't even knowing about the plan"
Taehyung confessed. Jungkook quirked.

"Is it? So I was right? It was the plan"
Jungkook asked, crossing his arms.

"Yes it was! How come I not? He was literally clinging on you and you weren't even protesting! You were enjoying"
Taehyung spat. Jungkook stared at him in disbelief.

"I never thought hyung that you will think about me like this. Just leave my hand"
Jungkook said trying to pull off but Taehyung tighten the grip making Jungkook hissed in pain.

"It is damn hurting! Leave my hand Taehyung"
Tears pricked in the corner of koo's eyes. Taehyung was staring at Jungkook blankly.

"Why are you trying leave me, hm? That helmet guy was so close too... This close"
Taehyung said coming closer to Jungkook's face and for the first time Jungkook felt uncomfortable. Taehyung's behaviour wasn't familiar.

"T-tae, p-please go back"
Jungkook whispered when Taehyung was leaning closer.

"Why? He was also this close. Why didn't you told him to stay back, huh?"
Taehyung whispered near Jungkook lips. Jungkook trembled, he was struggling to get away from tae but Taehyung wasn't letting him do so.

"I-I am g-getting uncomfortable t-tae"
Koo stuttered.

"So now I'm making you uncomfortable, you enjoyed with him... And you are getting uncomfortable by me, really?"
Taehyung lost his all senses. The jealousy made him lost his all rational way of thinking.

"What-- what is w-wrong with you, Taehyung. Leave me!"
Jungkook said, a drop of tear slide down his cheek, which fell on Taehyung hand which made Tae came back to his senses.

He immediately back off.

"S-sorry baby---"
"Just go away Taehyung"
Jungkook rubbed his wrist sobbing. Taking deep breaths.

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