Day One

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Day One.

I could feel the sweat on my hands drip onto my handlebars as I raced through the streets, it's not that I was tired or anything, just incredibly nervous.

Somehow I landed a job at an overly expensive restaurant, I may only be a temporary stand in for some waiter but still, this is my first step to opening up my own food truck, as the owner or the head chef is an entrepreneur that built it from the ground and up, I bet he's going to be able to give me so much helpful advice on how to handle it in the food industry, and then finally I'll be able to properly take care of my girlfriend!

My bike came to a halt as I faced the building, it was dark and had a red banner with the name of the restaurant, 'Le Gueule de Saturne', I pushed open the door, the metal cold on my coarse hands, there stood my new boss, he was shorter and had silky black hair, his eye bags made it clear he hadn't slept enough and he was much more intimidating than I expected, he looks like he has never smiled.

"Uh..- sorry hi sir im Ro-"

He interrupted me before I could finish speaking, "Rody I know, do you think im too incompetent to know who I've hired? Why are you sweating it's disgusting."

He rolled his eyes and glared at me as he spoke, his words cold and dark.

"Sorry-" I laughed nervously as he guided me inside.

"By your resumè I would assume you know how to properly cater to guests? If you didn't after having 28 jobs, maybe I should let you go." He snickered to himself still not showing a smile.

"No! I'm plenty good with customers, they find me friendly, I swear Vince." I hurriedly spat out,

I'm not losing a job in the first 10 minutes of working.

"Chef. Five minutes till opening, be ready for the morning rush." He swiftly turned away and stood in the corner of the kitchen doing nothing but staring at me, I felt sweat drip down my neck, he does not seem like someone who would be willing to help me in the service industry.

"Come on Rody, you've got this!" I said to myself as the clock ticked to 9.

A couple of two entered the restaurant, and placed their expensive hats on the rack set up in the doorway,

"Hello there! Good morning, a table for two please" One of them smiled.

"Ahh yes come with me," I grinned as I lead them to a table of two, set with a clean white table cloth, they sat down as a grubby man entered the restaurant, he tracked mud on the carpet, his hair was messy and had specks of dandruff or cocaine stuck In it.

"Hello sir, table for one?" I questioned nervously,

"A table for two, when your break, young man..?" He said smirking and walking towards me reaching his hand to grab mine,

"Uh sir please-" I gulped pushing his hand away still remaining a smile on my face,

"Aww come on," he glanced at the name tag on my vest, "Ro-deee,"

I felt myself getting more uncomfortable as he got closer, I didn't want to get in trouble on my first day by pushing him away.

"Excuse me sir would you please leave my fine establishment, you're harassing my workers, and you don't belong here.." Chef cut in standing in front of me and lightly pushing me back, as he looked the strange individual up and down, "you definitely don't belong here." He glared at him before pushing him out of the restaurant and slamming the door behind him.

"Th-thanks Chef, sorry.." somehow im less than an hour into my shift and I've already apologised to him three times, before I could collect myself he slapped me.

"Why didn't you tell me that old dude was bothering you?"


"I don't like people disrespecting my employees nor ruining the restaurant's reputation."

He looked at me, still with an angry expression but his tone was worried, and upset.

"I'll let you know if it happens again Vince."

"Chef." he sighed then briskly walked away back to his corner in the kitchen.

"Uhm excuse me." A woman's voice from behind me shouted out and waved me over.

"Oh im so sorry have you decided what you'd like to eat today?" I laughed nervously as I took their order and reported it back to the kitchen.

More customers flooded in and out like waves,

After hours of tireless labour and being the only waiter it finally hit 9pm and my shift was over.

"Vince how did I do for my first day!?" I scurried over to him in hope for some validation and praise.

"You did fine, nothing to celebrate about."

"Really?! That's enough for me."

"Of course it is." He sneered,

"Ignoring that, how hard was it to start your own business?"

"Nearly impossible, I was lucky I come from a well off family, my father may have disowned me but before that he had been giving me money I saved and when I told him I was going to open up a restaurant he disowned me, but that was around 10 years ago."

I felt my heart stop for a second, he said it so nonchalantly but I can guarantee it affected him greatly.

"W-what's your favourite food?" I blurted out to change the subject.

"None really.."

"You have to have one you own a restaurant for fucks sake?!"

"Fine, I guess lemons."


"Well what's yours?"

"I guess anything my girlfriend is into."


"Crap it's late I gotta go!" I waved him goodbye as I left.

As soon as I stepped outside the cool air whipped at my face, I shuddered and hopped on my bike and just as I was about to leave Vince headed out and gave me some leftover food.

"No need to thank me." He said coldly dropping it in the basket of my bike and heading back inside,

I was planning to get fast food but I guess not.

I pushed off on my bike and the night wind sent shivers down my spine, the lights of buildings in the city glimmered in twilight kissed sky, kids laughing with their parents as I passed by their houses, couples going out for late night walks together and teens sneaking out to see their friends, making it all worth it to have to ride home.

Parking my bike I entered my apartment, clothes and garbage all over the floor, a putrid smell coming from the kitchen I don't even use.

Each time I step into my house it reminds me how incapable I am at maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I placed the food Vince lent me in a mini fridge across from my couch and tried to call Manon.

"Hey Manon I know you-"

"Your call couldn't be connected." The phone rung out into my ear.

As I let out a breath of despair I collapsed on my

Couch and fell asleep, the scratchy pillow disturbing my face.

"Oh Rody, you thought I still loved you..? Pathetic."


My voice echoed through my head as she walked away into an abyss of darkness.

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