Day Off

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Day Off

After I kindly took care of him, he's back to being an intolerable asshole, despite the fact he gave me money, still.

I tread out of the building, the cool night air crawling all over my face, sending electric shivers down my spine, I don't even think there are taxis out at this time of night,

I strolled home, the chilling wind in my hair.

As I continued home softly humming to myself an orange cat, covered in dirt and trash was laying underneath a piece of cardboard by a rubbish bin. The cat was malnourished and was shivering, you could see its ribs and it was bleeding by its ear. I whisked it up and put my apron around it to keep it warm. It was nesting in my arm, the fur was coarse and cold.

I got into my apartment and ran the kitchen sink warm water and filled a bucket, I don't have any animal safe soap so it was just warm water, I cleaned the cat and then wrapped it in a warm towel I put in the oven, probably wasn't the safest way to warm it but my options were limited.

I put the cat in a large clear container with a blanket and some cheese, because everyone likes cheese. And sat it by the fire, before collapsing on my couch.

For once the room was pure light,

A smile spread across my face, I don't know why but I just did, I felt the happiness of everyone around me, I felt my own happiness.

The feeling overwhelmed me, as the familiar male touch caressed my hair, but when I turned around to look.

The sun peaked in through the window and distant meows crept to my ears. I leapt out of bed in a rush and checked on the kitten, in the morning light it looked much better, but as I got closer to the box it scurried away from me.

Manon from what I remember had a friend who was a veterinarian, maybe she knows some things, and can teach me and maybe we can go back to normal friends...

Phone dials rung through my ear,

"Manon speaking!"

"Oh hey, I have a hurt cat-"

"What!?" She cut me off abruptly "Is it okay? Did you hurt it? I'm coming over right now!" she finished before hanging up.

That was easier than expected.

Before long rapid knocks attacked my door, as I went over to open the door, it fell right on my toe.

"OW, OW, OW!" I leapt back and held onto my foot, ripping my sock off revealed a swollen, purple toe.

"You'll survive! Where's the kitty?!" Manon practically growled pushing me onto the ground before swiftly scooping up the orange cat.

"You broke my door AND my toe and you're more concerned about the CAT?"

"Yes, now quiet down, she's scared because of all the racket you made."


"It takes one look to notice she's a girl, oh dear she's terribly dirty.., and skinny!"

"Sorry I don't look at cat genitals!?" I grumbled leaning against the wall as the pain in my toe subsided. Manon ripped through my cupboards and shelves making a mess of all the cleaning I've done.

Eventually she came back with some things I didn't even know I had, bandages, cat food.. I've never owned a cat and tweezers with a piece of tissue wrapped around it, she scooped the cat back up and began.. Helping it? Honestly I couldn't even tell you if I tried.

"She's perfectly healthy, minus the fact she's underfed. No ticks or anything! Alright I'll be on my way." She finished hastily before leaving just as fast as she entered, yet like a magician she cleaned her mess and left a care basket with a food and water bowl, a blanket, a ball of yarn and some food.

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