Day Two

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Day Two.

"Aaah shit! I'm gonna be late! I overslept." I groaned as I raced up from the couch, the sound of pouring rain pelting my windows, the growl of thunder in the distance.

I stepped outside, the rain soaking my shoes instantly, I took my bike out from the dumpster I hid it behind, my sopping wet hair slapping the sides of my face as water crept down my neck.

"This sucksss-!" I groaned as I lept onto my bike, the seat was soggy and the handlebars slippery, I rode fast, whizzing past the scenery nearly crashing into streetlights and such, I just had to get out of the rain and I was already late. As the building came into view I jumped off my bike and ran to the entrance throwing my bike into a crack into the wall.

"I'm so sorry Vince!" I called out as I hurried through the doorway, every part of me dripping with water.

"You're lat- You're dripping with water!? Hold on!" He exclaimed before coming back with a towel and scoffing.

"You can't work like that." He said pushing me down and drying my hair with a towel,

"I uh- I lost my umbrella."

"No shit!? But you're soaked!"

"I thought riding faster would make me less wet plus I was already running late, but it just made me more wet."

He smacked my face softly with the towel and grinned so faintly you could barely tell he was smiling.

"Don't do it again."

I laughed at him and grabbed the towel and continued to wipe down the rest of my body.

"Get to work Rody I had to seat a few people because of YOUR tardiness." Vince walked off grumbling and went into his office.

The day slowly trudged by and as I was going out to take out the trash Vince was standing outside smoking a cigarette.

"Rody, you've been off today, did you sleep well last night..?" His voice echoed darkly as I chucked the rubbish in a dumpster,

"I had a nightmare I guess but overall it was fine."

He chuckled at me saying nightmare,

"Of course you'd have nightmares."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

He rolled is eyes and offered a cigarette,

"No thanks, I don't smoke, I like my lungs." I called as I walked back inside.

"Learn to respect your boss!" He called back at me from outside, a chuckle escaped my mouth as I went back to serving customers.

"Erm excuse me waiter boy" a custom hollered from the distance,

"Yes Miss how may I help you?" I dashed over and smiled,

"Yeah I've been waiting for my meal for half an hour where is it?" She glared into me as the other three people she was sitting with went quiet.

"Ahh yes we are quite busy today but I promise you, you won't be waiting much longer!" I responded trying to keep my composure and not slapping her.

"You're right I won't be, im leaving, this was awful service, you're dripping wet and smell like smoke, disgusting." She grabbed her bag and whipped her hair in my face and stormed off, the people with her apologised and paid me a small tip as they left with her.

After that horrid experience the day went on and surprisingly was fairly good.

Although as it finally reached time for my shift to end the rain bucketed down harder.

"Rody! You can wait here for the rain to die down, and we got more leftovers, you didn't have your break today so here." Vince called from the kitchen coldly as he slid over a plate of food.

"Thanks." I shot him a smile and began digging into the food, the flavours were bland but it tasted expensive, it was missing something but I couldn't place my finger on it.

Vincent shrugged and walked off into his office and before long the smell of smoke tickled my nose.

The rain continued to splatter down the thunder laughing at the earth, lightning striking in the distance.

I felt my eyes closing as the hours ticked by, 1 in the morning I should've gone home by now, the rain didn't get stop.

"It wouldn't hurt if I took a quick nap" I thought out loud as my eyes shut and I fell asleep against a wall, the plush carpet pressing into my arms as they laid limp by my sides.

"Rody? Rody? Rody?" A familiar voice called out as I laid in that dark room again, visions of Manon walking away blinded me.

I felt a hand press on my shoulder as a warmth spread all over me.

"Rody." A deep masculine voice whispered in my ear.

As I turned around I felt my eyes open.

Morning sun flooded the restaurant as a plush blanket covered my body, the pain in my back from sleeping against the wood board wall was painfully apparent.

As I stood up I folded the blanket and placed it on a nearby table.

"There's no way I slept here!? Ughh-!" I groaned to myself slapping my forehead trying to recall the events of last night.

So, I finished my shift and, it was storming badly and there'd be no way I could get home safely, so Vince told me I could stay until the rain died down, he also gave me food, (it was average for a five star restaurant owner.) and then he left for his office, I waited for the rain to die down and it didn't... hours went by and I was drifting off to sleep, so I was going to nap for half- oh.

It hit me on how I fell asleep.

How did I get this blanket..?

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