Day Four

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Day Four.

The jarring sound of my alarm woke me up, 6:30, I pulled my jeans on, and a comfortable mint green flannel with a green undershirt which Manon gave me, as I rushed to grab my house keys I saw my old lemon cologne, I had never ended up wearing it but screw it, maybe it will make me smell like someone that actually has their life together, maybe she'll like it.

I rushed out the door, the wind adding volume to my hair as I dashed through the hall and down the stairs. The fresh morning air whipped my face as I left my crummy apartment building in hurry, the breeze was refreshing and calmed my nerves, as I dashed through the street passing morning joggers I saw her, sitting down at a table sipping a cup of tea, her brown hair twirled in the wind as her brown dress fidgeted at her ankles.

"M-Manon?!" a stutter fell out my mouth as she saw me and a slight smile played at her lips, I sat down across from her and as soon as our eyes met I couldn't help but fight the urge to cry,

"Rody, I will always like you, but not in the way you want me to like you." She grabbed my hand and looked at me sincerely, "If I'm going to be perfectly honest I don't know if I could ever feel that way about anybody!"

Those words hit me like a bomb,

"What do you mean..?"

"All my life I've seen countless attractive guys and had my friends fawn over them, but I just couldn't feel that way, I even tried!'

As she spoke, the sadness was replaced with confusion, she continued to ramble about her feelings and she began to blush in embarrassment and look down nervously as she spoke,

I couldn't help but start laughing.

"H-hey what's wrong?!"

"I'm so sorry, but I wish you told me, Manon I feel like I forced you into a relationship with me now!" I smiled and stopped laughing, I don't know why but all my romantic feelings towards her vanished. She was so sweet and didn't mean any harm to me, she was just being a good friend.

"No! I was worried I'd lose you as a friend if I didn't, but as we went on I started thinking about the future and the thought of marriage didn't appeal to me! And for the cherry on top you were ruining yourself FOR me." She started tearing up as she looked back up at me, I know she was telling the truth and I do need to better myself.

"Well I'll always be your friend until you scream at me to leave your life forever, now I have to run to work, let's hang out sometime soon, as friends." I chuckled and I dropped $10 bucks on the table to pay for her tea and walked off in a subtly heroic fashion.

I don't know why but I felt at peace with myself, I finally let go of something I was holding on to so very tightly it was causing me more harm than good.

I rode to work early, the sun shining and birds chirping, and so much happier than I would be if I still held on to her.

"You're early?" Vince said as he peered from the kitchen as I entered, his hair was wet and the water dripped onto his shirt, I felt my face getting hot but shrugged it off.

"And you had a much needed shower!" I clapped back smirking as I set my stuff down.

He grumbled and pointed to some wipes, I took them and wiped the tables and hummed to myself.

"Why are you so chipper and I shower everyday thank you." He hollered as he leant on a pillar and watched me wipe the tables.

"So you just use red wine scented soap? And I finally got out of an unhealthy relationship"

His eyebrows furrowed as I insulted him, but then his expression softened, ever so slightly.

"Huh?" I picked up on it and looked at him?

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