Day Five

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Day Five.

Those words rang throughout my head, I've been having these weird dreams every night since I began working for Vince. What an odd coincidence, anyway.

I could barely recognise my apartment when I woke up, there weren't any clothes on the floor and the kitchen was visibly a kitchen, it still needed some dusting and cleaning but it looked so good. A sense of achievement washes over me as I realise how much I've done.

I'm finally turning myself around.

I pedalled to work moderately tired due to cleaning last night and a bit more this morning, as I rode I paid attention to my surrounding and there I saw a kid getting a hot chocolate by the looks of it, and he drops it, the brown liquid goes all over his shoes and the pavement, and he bursts out into tears, as the scorching hot drink seethes into his ankles and feet, his mother occupied by a friend she talking to ignores the kid, he starts to kick off his shoes while he cries.

I stop my bike and run across the road to him. In my bag I have a bottle of cold water I was going to save for work.
"Shh you're okay, you're okay." I whisper to him and smile, his ankles are beginning to blister and are red, I start to pour my water and he winces but stops crying.

"Thank you Mr." he sniffled, I chuckled and wiped the remaining tears from his eyes.

"Can I buy you another one? But you promise not to drop it?" He nodded as I wiped his shoes down, luckily they were on so tight the socks barely got dirty, so I put his socks back on and his shoes, I also found two old bandaids from my bag and put them on his blisters.

I placed the hot chocolate next to his mother, and told her what happened. I don't think she was paying attention though, poor kid.

"Bye Mr!!" he waved at me. I rode off on my bike, I waved back and smiled as he drank his hot chocolate.

Maybe I should pay more attention to my surroundings when riding my bike.. Good thing I came to work early, I'm still on time and Vincey won't be mad at sweet old me!

"Good morning! The day is early and the sun is shi-"

"Shut" Vince interrupted my morning speech, I was in high spirits this morning
He grumbled as he sipped on coffee, his face paler than normal and he stumbled out of the kitchen.
"Crap! Are you alright, you look like shit?" I dropped my bag and rushed over to hold on to him.

"I'm fine, I just drank too much last night, and stood outside... smoking." He mumbled, I pressed my hand to his forehead.

"Dumbass, you've got a fever, you have to rest!" I slapped the back of his head.

"I'll be fine, you're so dramatic." he tried to push himself off of me but stumbled.

"If you don't go rest right now I'll carry you there!" I threatened as he turned around to give me a death glare.
"You. Wouldn't. dare." he glared, with that instigation I grabbed his legs and picked him up princess or should I say prince style.

"Put me down! You thug!" he struggled,

"Sorry I'm deaf to idiots, what was that?" I chuckled, my face heating up again, "You live above the restaurant right? Give me your house key." I asked politely and he reluctantly handed it to me. I treaded up the thin staircase with him in my arms and unlocked his apartment, it was clean and sleek, but I had no time to look, I ran into the bathroom before going into his bedroom, his bed was made neatly, but I threw the doona(quilt for you Americans x3) to the end of the bed and rested him down.

"NOW SLEEP, I'll check on you after work, good night!"

I shut the door and turned off the lights and made my way out of the apartment, I hope that was okay, it was a little awkward carrying him but that was the only way.

The day went by surprisingly fast, there were no rude customers or anything, but I really hoped Vince was okay and in bed. I went back upstairs, the whole house was dark so naturally I turned on some lights and made my way back to his bedroom.

There he was sitting at his desk writing something, he looked like a ghost.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Did you sleep? Stop working asshole!"

"Don't swear at me, I'm still your boss." he sounded weak and it was clear he didn't rest.

"I built this restaurant from the ground up you know.." he started,

"That's besides the po-"

"I spent all my money and savings, I haven't missed a day until today.." he continued and I walked over to his desk and he was signing and writing out financial documents, there was a whole stack completed and then an even bigger uncompleted one.

"This is my entire life, my dream." he got even weaker and his head started leaning on me.

I picked him up again and took him to his bed.

"I'll get you some medicine and ice, your head is burning." I felt his forehead and left the room to go through his kitchen and medicine cabinet, everything was neatly organised so it was relatively easy to find. I made my way back and he sat in his bed looking awful.

"This is a whole new side to you, it's interesting" I chuckled and handed him the medicine and a glass of water, he swallowed it so I passed the ice which was wrapped in a tea towel and placed it on his head and he laid down.

"Do you need anything else?"

"No" he replied faintly, but not closing his eyes, he kept looking over at me for a second, I was most likely distracting him and keeping him awake.

"I'll head out now, good night!" I said as I began to walk out, and just before I went too far I felt a tug on my shirt, I looked around and he was reaching out and looking down.

"Don't go, please." he mumbled,

"YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT GO TO SLEEP!" I yelled and pushed him back down.

"When I go to sleep, you'll leave." he replied breathly.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Just go to bed Vince." I smiled at him reassuringly, and his eyes closed, I sat down on the floor next to his bed and laid my arm on the edge of it.

"Are you still here?"

"Are you asleep yet?"

Hours went by as I continued to sit by his side, the bed frame poking my back, eventually I rested my head on his mattress.

My eyes feel so heavy it's unbearable, I'll close them but unlike last time I won't fall asleep.

Author's Note: DO NOT yell at me saying, "Vincent wouldn't act like this-" SHHHH, this is how I imagine him as he's absolutely loopy when sick, and no nothing NSFW will happen, I like cute fluffy stories, the next chapter will be a short from Vince's perspective and while it is day six Rody is having a day off to get his life together, so there will be a proper day six. (It's definitely not because I ran out of time to let him clean his room.) I like doing these silly little Authors notes, should I continue them for the next few chapters/days? <33

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