Day Off (Short, V's perspective)

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Day Off (Vince's perspective (short))

What time is it? My throat still hurts, I began to stand up, still slightly shaking, god my head hurts, twilight sky streamed in through the window, the curtains unclosed, someone could've looked in...

I dragged myself across to the other side of my bed where my nightstand was, and there sat a fast asleep Rody, that bastard, I stared at him admiring his features being complimented by the night sky. His eyes zapped open.

"Are you okay? Get back in bed idiot!"

"Why are you still here?" He stood up quickly and directed me onto my bed.

"You're the one that told me to stay? What time is it anyway?" he answered.

"I'm fine and I wouldn't say something that stupid."

"You're feeling better, clearly." He chuckled and I shot him a glare.

"Just go home, you have the day off tomorrow anyway." I pushed past him and went over to my desk, the stress of unfinished- finished?

"Oh yeah! You were really tired so I stamped the documents that could've been stamped. You just need to do your signature on like 10-14!" he cheered and smiled, "Sorry should I not've?"

All my life I've been treated like a king, someone with no problems, someone you wouldn't dare defy, so why, why does he always do this, he disrespects me, calls me by my name, speaks to me casually, joke with me, ask about me and why, why do I just wish he could talk with me forever, why couldn't he just forget about that girl, why can't he just stay by my side.

Before I could stop it a laugh escaped my mouth, a loud laugh, my mouth curved upwards into a smile as I continued laughing.

"What the fuck dude?! I don't know whether to be offended or shocked you can actually show emotion!" Rody grumbled stomping his foot, eventually I composed myself.

"Shut up," I took a deep breath and the smile that I so missed faded away, "Thank you, now go home, it's late." I pushed him out of my room and gave him $20 for a taxi.

The cloth of his clothing was warm, now if only I could remember what happened yesterday...

Author's Note: Only 360 words, sorry but I did warn you it was a short anyway another short which is less short, will be released promptly I'm doing my best to pump these writings out as quickly as possible, I feel like an overworked writer. Anyway we'll be back to our loveable Rody's perspective next chapter!

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