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The intelligent Doctor, that's what they called her even though she wasn't a doctor to begin with.

She actually is a pharmaceutical who just like to read and learn about everything in her specialty even in Surgery she read and learned about it.

No one knew why she was thirsty for learning about medicine, but at least she knew why she wanted to learn.

" Humans are easy to die, even if there's nothing wrong with them they get sick and die most of the time"

"At least I want to save the important people to me."

Even though she could kill people without blinking if it meant to achieve her goal.

Even though she could play dirty, still she holds a pure love and care to her people.

Even if she didn't show it directly, even if she didn't say it. She will sacrifice herself to protect and save them.

"I say I don't care but actually I really do care. That's the only thing that prevents me from abandoning and letting go of you."

She really is a selfish girl, she didn't realize that they would do the same thing she would do to them.

Yes, that girl was none other than Erie Raine.


Lero explained the rules, the rules was simple. first the game has five rounds, each round has five minutes before it ends. Secondly, each round only five teams can participants.

Thirdly,the team who has the crown until they end will win.

"interesting." Erie crossed her arms as she said. "Do you have plan?" Shiori shook her head as Junno said. "I'm not interest in winning this game, for whatever reason they host this game. I don't feel good about it."

Erie chuckled as she patted his head, Junno's height was closer to her so she has no problem with that but Junno felt quite shy. He gently pushed her hand as he added.

" I don't want to participant."
Erie nodded. "Then let's just watch and see." They decided to watch.

A lot of things happened after that, Anak got the crown then suddenly attacked one of the team's safe room.
nexr they changed the price of the exam.

And finally Bam got a big hit on the head. That made a lot of people stunned and confused. Lero ro stopped the crown game since the time was up.

Erie looked at the blood that was running from Bam's head. She sighed loudly as she approached him.
The girl named Rachel was yelling his name but with no avail.

Seeing that Erie remembered her death,
Right she died before she came here.
She was trembling but quickly clenshed her fists.

Erie tied her hair into a bun,as she said.
"That's enough!" Her voice echoed in the area,gaining everyone's attention.
she turned to face Shiori.
"Shiori, I saw first aid in your bag please handed to me with gloves and alcohol."

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