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it was a beautiful sight, seeing the fishes swimming in the water made them look at it in awe. Bam and Rachel were talking with each other.

As for Erie she calmly looked around ignoring the fact that they forget about her.

' I guess I'm going to stay quite for moments.' Erie had a bad feeling, no, she was sure was about to happen.
' I guess I won't see them for a while.'

A very dark violet girl was looking at the sky, while she was being treated  by black hair girl who was of course, Erie.
"I get that you do like her but that doesn't mean you've to keep your mouth shut."

It was night,it also was a little cold and quite. There was only them in the attic,they were kids with no one to protect them being mistreated wasn't something strange to them.

That was when Erie was still seven years old, she wasn't strong enough or had anyone to protect herself nor anyone.
Seeing her friend or her roommate suffer from abusing she felt sympathy for her  stupidity.

"I know,I can't help but I hope mother one day will look at me with loving eyes.
She is my only kin in this huge world I...
I still want to wait for her." Erie couldn't understand her. For Erie, she doesn't care about anyone's love.

She doesn't wait for anyone's love, as long as they don't harm her she won't care."Flora, you said that many times.
I know I can't change your choice but please don't let her go so far,

one day you might get a great injuries or worst case sce-"Flora nodded.
"I get it, I'll be more careful.Also thank you Erie!"Flora smiled and  Erie smiled back.

" Don't mention it." Erie couldn't say that Flora was her friend because she sees her as her sister.They share a lot of secrets and dreams that only them would know.

"Erie, what's your dream?" Erie wondered about it before she said.
"I want a lot of money to have a perfect house that whenever I'm out feeling of coming back to would appear in my heart."

Flora smiled sadly."You want to create a home for you, you don't need anyone to help you with it, Erie you really do not rely on anyone. "Erie titled her head.

" I mean for me, I want someone to wait for me in home, when I come back they would great me with warm smile or a hug.

I also want to see Aurora in Northern, seeing it's pictures makes me always dream about going there and see it with my own eyes! I want to travel around the world see all different things.

I want to have fun in every moment in my life!" Her eyes were shining with hope and Erie felt it.

' Someone with hopeless life shows these eyes, she is really something else. We're completely different but I'm glad that we're friends.'

"Your dreams will become true."
Erie smiled warmly, she knew these words are the only thing she could say.
Giving hope to someone's dream is the only way to protect it and Erie knew that very well.

"Yes, let's travel together one day,pinky promise." Erie's eyes narrowed, she was scared of not being able to make this promise but she also knew that the future is unknown, in addition there's a lot of possibilities.

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