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khun was looking at sky feeling a little down because of what has happened yesterday. He was disappointed but disappointed more with himself.
He thought his plan was perfect but in the end Rachel got injured and Bam might no longer climb just the thought of that made him clensh his fists.

"You seem down." Khun turned his head to see Erie smiling at him with her usual fake smile."I thought you were with Bam. "Erie shook her head.
" I thought he needs sometime to collect his thoughts so I'm giving him a time alone. "

she stood beside him. "I'm surprised by your plan but your enemy had the upper hand." Khun raised an eyebrow.
"So you knew what I planned."
Erie nodded.

"the way you acted in the hide and seek game made me guess your goal. Unfortunately, you didn't know who your enemy was." Khun crossed his arms.

"Then. do you know who is it?" Erie chuckled. "I can guess but there's something I'm sure of it, there are a group of people behind all of this.
So let me give you an advice, do not believe what people show you, believe in your memories and what you think
You're smart already, you will figure it out."

Khun glared at her. "So you knew Hou was planning to hurt Rachel?" Erie sighed before she looked at the sky.
"Yes, I knew, he was planning something. I don't want excuse myself but sometimes you've to just make things go as it should be.

Bam is innocent and he thinks the people are like him, do you think if I told him he would believe it?" Khun got quite, he knew Bam wouldn't believe it so he didn't tell him. From this angle Erie had a point.

"As for Rachel,I'd be lying if I said I like her or I care about her. Don't get me wrong, but I've a bad feeling about her and my guess about anyone doesn't get wrong.

And one more thing it's reckless of me to take an action without knowing my enemy very well but of course if Bam's life was in danger  I would taken an action without hesitate."

Her eyes darkened.
' From what I see they don't want him dead, if they wanted him they would try to hunt him not Rachel.

But how did they know he was searching for Rachel. This information no one know it except for his closest friends.

But what if Rachel told them, I mean she knows Bam the best. She was with him before he came here but here come my question why she is doing all of this? To the point she hurts herself and no longer can walk?'

Suddenly Erie realized something.
' Right, if there's a group of people behind all of this they can even bring a doctor to fool everyone. I have to make sure of her injuries.'

Erie glanced at Khun. "I think you too need sometime alone, see you later."
She left without giving him a room to reply.

He sighed as he rubbed his forehead.
"I can't understand her."


Erie opened the door to see that Rachel was awake. "Oh, you're awake, glad to see you Rachel."Erie smiled as bright as she could." Erie, What brings you here?" Rachel smiled back.

"I wanted to check how you're doing.
Glad you're doing alright now." Rachel nodded. "Here, have fresh fruits they're good for your body." Erie glanced at Rachel's legs a quick glance.

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