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"So he is awake." Erie said as she drank her tea. Khun nodded. "He is dressing up now, I thought you would like to see how he is doing." Erie finished drinking and said.

"Yes, he's my patient, I have a duty to see how he does." she stood up.
"Please lead the way." on the way Khun said.

"Don't tell Bam about Rachel, she doesn't want him to follow her, she doesn't want him to get hurt" Erie smirked.

"Is that so? well, I can't help but feel a little disappointed at her. Don't get me wrong but it's selfish to decide something that he should decide but since you asked me I guess I'll flew with the wave."

Khun felt something off about how Erie talked about Rachel as if she hates or held hostile. But she shouldn't know Rachel, right?

Well, Erie's ability is having a good judge in people whether they're bad or good or what they're up to.
And what she can say about her... she isn't a nice person at all.

'But to jump amd take the hit for her, he adores her as for someone who is stranger to him, he won't believe me.
Well, let's wait and see what's going to happen.'

Once they reached Bam's room, Khun said. "I think there's something you'd like to talk with him,I also have some things to do. Once you finish your things, show him around so he won't get lost."

Erie smiled as she crossed her arms.
"Are you trying to make us get along? How sweet of you, M. R. Kh. un~" She said as she tease him. He ignored her words as he walked away.

She sighed."Not friendly, I see that." Suddenly The door in front of her got opened by none other than Bam.
Once their gold eyes met, Bam immediately looked down.

Erie smiled, she knew he was still confused about what to do.
"Glad to see you all right,Bam." He nodded."Thank you for treating me. "

He stode aside. "Please come in,I want to talk with you."Erie nodded, he let her in and offered her a chair to sit in while he sat on the chair." Erie, do you think you're my sister?"

He was straightforward unlike what Erie thought but that's make things easier and less awkward.
"Let's answer your question by another question.Are you irregular like me?"
That question took his guard off.

His swat dropped as he looked down.
"Then I should take this as yes, but being an irregular doesn't mean we're siblings so do you know something only your sister would know?"

Bam smiled and nodded. "Yes, but...." He looked down and frowned.
"I have.... to tell you something."
He told Erie about the letter he got and everything he knows.

"I see, whoever wrote that letter must knows us very well or they might be our parents." Bam titled his head.
"Our parents?" He wasn't confused by that information but confused about how she refered to them as ' our parents'

She realized what she has just said, she searched for something in her pocket and took it out. "Sorry, I forgot to show you." She showed him the necklace.
His eyes widen. From a long time ago he thought that letter was a prank but in the same time he couldn't just ignore it.

He was worried that if he heald any shred of hope, he would end up broken.
But now seeing her in front of him it wasn't a prank. "Oh, right since we cleared things up."

She stood up as she raised her hand to him. "Please take good care of me, Brother!" Bam smiled warmly as he shook her hand.

"You as well."

"So you're a fisherman." Erie nodded.
"Yes, I'm glad about my position because I know how to use sword greatly." He was surprised by what he heard.

"Why do you seem so surprised?" She raised as eyebrow in doubt.
' Does he think I'm weak?'
"I just think I've to get stronger than you to protect you, that's what a big brother should do." Erie was surprised to accept her and open his heart to her immediately after knowing her for a short time.

That wasn't her problem, her problem was she is his true sister.

' If he found out, he wouldn't forgive me.' She felt guilty for lying to him but would he believe her.
' No he won't believe me at least now.
I've to wait for the right moment and tell him until that time comes I've to put on a sister act.'

Suddenly she felt a touch on her head, Bam patted her head. In her previous life she never let anyone pat her unless it was her master but now she can't say she doesn't like it.

' Maybe having a big brother for a while isn't a bad thing.' She showed him around, they had a good time as siblings.

And they got known each other well, Bam told Khun and Rak about how things end up. Khun accepted as if he knew things would turn up like this while Rak was willing to challenge Erie but she refused.

"So that's what happened?" Shiori said with big smile. "That's a happy ending, don't you think, Junno?"Junno sighed.
"why do you even ask me? I don't c-" Erie hit his head immediately.

That made everyone shocked and Junno more. "Don't you even try to be nice?" Even though what she did was violence, she was smiling brightly but her smile was scary.

Junno rubbed his head, as he looked away in annoyance. "You're annoying, just let me alone." She sat down a head of him

Everything was great but there was something bothering Erie.
That black hair boy with dull blue eyes, She feels like she knows him.

She wanted to have a chat with him but he seems quite hard to approach.
' I heard that teacher calls him, Locus.
His name and the aura around him feels familiar.'

She remembered a boy who does have the same name and aura.
'Locus Jourman, an orphan boy who happened to be in the same orphanage as me. We were more than friends, we were like siblings. There wasn't anything would turn us apart except for my death.

Even though I want to see him again but that means he died as me. I don't wish that for someone I see as my family.'

She sighed loudly before she turned her focus to the class. She could say she understood the basic greatly.
And now she has to sign a contract with the guard of this floor to use Shinsou.

She took a deep breath,closed her eyes then she said.
"Connect me to the Guard of this floor."
when she opened her eyes again, she found herself in front of a huge creature.

"Oh,you also died once again." Erie's eyes widen. "How did you know? and what do you mean by you also?" She was worried that there's someone like her

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