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Bam and lero ro started a game where they should bet on who is going to pass through the barrier wall. The two of them bet on a green lizard girl, the two of them turned to face Erie.

"Miss Erie who do you bet on?" Erie glanced at the regulars before one person caught her attention.
A boy with eye patch. The eye patch was covering his left eye.

His hair was light gray and his eye was dull blue.'That aura...' Erie pointed at the boy as she said. "Somehow I feel he and shinsou having harmony." As she said the Lizard and the eye patch boy passed through it at the same time.

"Looks like it's a draw." Erie nodded.
"But since I'm a Ranker I'll answer anything you two want."

Bam immediately smiled and asked if Lero ro has seen any blonde girl with freckle but unfortunately Lero ro has not seen any girl with this specifications.

"Do you have another question?" Bam wondered for a moment to came up with a question. "Please tell me about irregulars."

Erie's eyes looked at him wondering about why he would want to know about them. Lero ro was also curious but he didn't ask, he just explained everything he knew.

Erie was glad for his explanation, now she can say she knows the basic things about this tower. "what about you miss Erie? what are you curious about?"

Erie wondered for a moment before she asked. "What's up there in the tower?is there really everything you want?"

Her question was straightforward and she was really serious. Bam was curious as well especially the stars. Lero ro was looking at her in the eyes, they were calm and quite curious.

He knew the answer he is going to say won't satisfy her, he himself can't say there's everything you want but since he doesn't know what she really wants he said.

"That's something you should see it with your own eyes."  Erie was disappointed with this kind of mysterious answer. She was about to say something but she was cut by yelling coming from a regular.

"Damn it! why should I fail this silly test?" That regular caught everyone's attention.

"I don't care from what this barrier wall made of! I'm powerful enough even without this  trivial skill! Because I'm powerful more than any regular!"

Erie frowned aa she got irritated.
"It makes no sense for me to be excluded because of this trivial test!
Even these weaks passed with luck!
Are you kidding me?"

He was irrigated, he believed he won't fail not at this early point. Just because he can't pass this barrier wall he won't climb tower and make his wish become true.

Just because you lake a thing or two you can't make your wish true.
'It's unfair I know but spitting out these words and say that Bam and I don't deserve to pass that makes him pathetic.'

Her thoughts got cut when Lero ro stode up, he walked through the barrier wall and stode a head of the regular.
"what do you want to say now?" He looked down at Lero ro.

"I tried to lesson to your nonsense, do you think you can do whatever you want just because you're ranker? From the first glance I can say you're weak."
Erie sighed at how ridiculous the regular was.

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