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"Boring, yes everything I see or hear is boring." That's what she's always thinking about her world.' Everyone thinks that I'm blessed with this ability but they're wrong.
Because of this ability I lost the feeling of enjoying something.

It's rarely for me to find something interesting or to enjoy something.' A light appeared in front of her making a huge door show in front of her.

Once she realized she wasn't dreaming she sighed, she rubbed her forehead trying to catch up with her situation.
' I'm in unfamiliar place that looks like a cave but there's also a strange door that I can't even think of logical reason of how it was built here.

I don't think I'm kidnapped because this place looks abandoned, there's no trace of footsteps.' She looked at her clothes while she was thinking to realize that her clothes looks differents.

"I don't have this kind of clothes, they also seem for a teenager. Now I think about it I feel like the floor is somehow nearer than how it used to be for my sight.'

She touched a lock of her hair to see a dark brown color which wasn't the same color of her hair.'It's impossible to say someone kidnapped me and Dyed my hair.' She looked at the door.

" A logical answer might be found behind this strange door, I've to open it." she raised her hands, since there wasn't any door handle she pushed it.

Fortunately the door opened easily, she closed her eyes because a strong light snapped out. Before she knew it passed away.

Once again she opened her eyes, she wake up while rubbing her head.'I feel like someone had kicked my head.' She stode up to look around.'This place looks like museum or some historical place.'

She took several steps a head until someone said. "Another irregular, what a day for this tower." She narrowed her eyes when she saw someone looks like a human and rabbit in the same time.

Behind him was a black hair woman with ruby eyes, beside her was a short man with gray hair. "Welcome to the tower young lady, I'm headon the guard of the first floor would you please tell me your name."

' Those ears are real, am I trapped in some kind of novel or something else?' She tried to seem calm as she said.

"My name is Erie Raine, what do you mean by tower?" Headon titled his head in confusion. "you opened the door of the tower yet you don't know what the tower is?"

Erie nodded. "that's strange, To answer your question this tower is a place where you can find anything you want in the top of the tower.

Money, honor, power, revenge, authority and anything else you can have it in the top." Erie put a finger under her chin while thinking. "I see, it's looks more like a fairytale. Anyway, you said you're the guard  what's that?"

Headon rolled his stick as he said. "The only thing I can say about it that in each floor there's guard and we control the laws of the tower. of course irregulars like you does always break the lows of our tower."

Erie blinked. "You mean that people who opened the door like me are called irregulars and they can break the lows you created." she raised eyebrow.

Tower of god [New hope or New despair] Where stories live. Discover now