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If there was someone skilled and has fast movement, Erie's name would be mentioned immediately.

But being skilled and fast doesn't mean you're strong, she knew that and to conver her weakness she did always chose to find her opponent weakness and end him.

Her master Kai the one who thought her material art and swordmanship used to have three disciples other than her.

Their name was, Yuki Haru,Jourman Locus and finally Hinata Eian.

Each one of them had a special skill and their own weakness.

But despite their weakness there something that anyone would say.

"Do not fight anyone of them fight to death."

Erie stared at the boy named locus, the atmosphere around them was different as if they were in their own world.
Someone tried to sneak behind Erie to end her but the in one moment he realized that he was laying on the ground while losing his consciousness.

"I hate interrupters,let's end this fight before things get complicated."

"Erie, locus it's your turn." The ten years boy and girl stood up and raised their wooden swords.

Erie pressed her legs forceful on the ground then she rushed to Locus.

Erie pressed her legs forceful on the ground then she rushed to Locus.

She swang her sword at him with her left arm.

She swang her sword at him with her left arm

He dodge it and quickly swang his sword in the opposite side of her attack.

He dodge it and quickly swang his sword in the opposite side of her attack.

'Then I would back away before he hit me but he wouldn't let me since my guard would be down.'

Erie backed away, Locus didn't let her take her breath and immediately swang his sword his skill was fight but it was lacking defence which made it easy for Erie to block it.

Erie backed away, Locus didn't let her take her breath and immediately swang his sword his skill was fight but it was lacking defence which made it easy for Erie to block it.

' Next I'd either you my sword to push him down or my leg to let him bog down but since he would know my next movement he would push me a little with hus sword and back away.'

And as she expected he did the same thing.

'And finally he would jump the highest he can and do his final attack.'

he again did as she thought and gladly she block it. The two of them exchange hits.

to tell the truth, they were not planning to make themselves fail nor end eachother. Their fight made Erie remember how they used to train when they were young, as if she backed in time.

Locus smiled as he put his sword away as well as Erie. She smiled but her smile was different, it wasn't fake or threatening it was an honest smile, that was rarely to be seen even for Locus.

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