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"  Really?  did sister Yuri do that?"
Bam said in disbelief. "Yes, that sister like barbarian." Erie put her cup aside listening to them. "I can't believe it,how someone like her can be generous?"

Erie remembered everything has happened in the first floor.
' To tell the truth, without giving me her sword I might have suffered back there.'

"I also did meet her, I think she has a lively soul." They turned their focus on her. " You met her? Erie nodded.
"I did also invited her for tea once we meet again."

Bam narrowed his eyes.
"Now you mention it, you do always drink tea. Do you have the habit of making your own tea?"

"Yes, I do. To me drinking tea is my source of life." Bam chuckled at her statement. "I wonder if I would get a chance to drink from your tea."
Erie rested her face on her palm.

"Well, one day I'd serve you. you're also invited Endrossi." Endrossi looked away, she can't say she wasn't interested but her bride made her refuse.

"Well, if you want to drink my tea one day, feel free to ask me." Erie drank the tea feeling a little calm.

She felt someone was staring at her she looked up to see Rachel was staring at them from a far. 

' That girl, Bam told me a lot about her but to me I can't handle her. I've a very bad feeling about her.' Erie ignored her stare.


"So that's how you do it." Erie looked at Bam in awe who made a ball of shinsou called Baang. She didn't visit her brother in his class after he finish his class but today she came.

After she absorbed the pink heart gem completely, she felt that her body was lighter and strong. She decided to use this power because she might need it one day.

"Are you sure you want to learn this, I mean it's hard to learn it in one or two days." Hou said. "Well, trying is better than nothing."

She took a deep breath and began to use her shinsou.'Imagine the world is in your hand and then use your power.'
A pink light appeared making her open her eyes.

A baang was on her hands. "It seems that I've succed." Bam patted her head.
"You did well." Laure the black hair boy who like to sleep all the time and carry his blanket with him looked at the twins, he couldn't help but admire how talented they're.

"What if I changed this into something else?" Erie mumbled.'what if I changed into something, I did see once in my previous world yet it's still stuck in my head.

Bright and blue and sweet smelling.
I remember it was like this.'
The baang changed into a blue lotus,the familiar scene she saw once before made her smile.

"wah, that's amazing!" Bam said in awe, Laure was surprised as for Hou he glared at her. Erie felt his glare, she would be lying if she said she did like him.

' hypocrite.' Laure stood up and said.
"Can you bomb those balls?"
Erie sweat dropped. "I'll try."
She took deep breath to calm herself.
' But how would I bomb them, can I make lotus petals sharp blades?  I think it would be great.' 

The lotus petals  broke out from their  structure and flew in the air like sharp blades.  They bomb two balls which made Erie satisfied but when the blades were about to bomb the third one they fade away.

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