Book 3: Chapter 1: Unplanned

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Audrey woke up to the smell of breakfast. She slid out of bed and yawned while rolling her shoulders back.

To many, Audrey's resignation came as a surprise. From the outside, the girl enjoyed her job and had made many friends with her colleagues. But inside she felt as if her world was being ripped apart by guilt and fear.

Hours after breakfast, Audrey and Opal were drinking tea and watching Wing and Wei play Power Disc.

Wing was winning.

"Audrey! Do you want to play?" Wei yelled, in desperate hopes of getting a new partner.

"I think I'll pass." Audrey grinned, sipping her tea. Her Aunt came outside from the house.

"Morning girls." She smiled, gracefully taking a seat next to Opal. Audrey gave her a weak smile, eyeing how her Aunt stroked Opal's hair. She couldnt help feeling a little bit jealous.

"The Avatar and her company are coming soon. Be ready to greet them please."
Audrey nodded. Opal began airbending about a week ago, as soon as her family found out, they'd called the avatar who was looking for airbenders to train. Audrey had been dreading this day ever since. She was certain that she was going to be bombarded with questions, not to mention Bolin seeing her bend both water and earth- that was going to raise some questions...

Her Aunt left them to make final preparations before a dance class for a premier the following month. Audrey decided to  leave Opal, if the avatar was coming soon- she wanted to enjoy the last few moments she has in peace. She didn't hate Korra, but sometimes she got a little much.
There was a small part of her that hoped that maybe her father might come with Korra, but she didn't want to give herself too much hope.

Hours later a soft knock came from Audrey's door.
"Come in." She responded.
Opal opened the door and stuck her head in.
"They're here." She grinned.
Unlike Audrey, Opal was very excited to meet the Avatar and her company. Audrey sighed and dropped her book on her bed and looked at it longingly as she closed her room door behind her.

The pair walked out to the garden surrounding the main building.
"Mom is introducing them to the rest of the siblings, we might be here a while." Opal shrugged pulling out a book and beginning to read.

"Wait- I didn't get to bring a book! This isn't fair! What must I do now?" Audrey huffed and folded her arms with a scowl on her face. Some time later she saw the group of people approaching.
"Opal" she nudged her. Opal's head shot up, and she stood quickly. Audrey's eyes fell to the floor.

"And this is my daughter, Opal."

"Audrey?" Mako frowned, looking her up and down. Only just then did Audrey relised that Republic City's Chief of Police was in the company, scowling at her.

"Well if it isn't one of my own rookies." Lin muttered, folding her arms.

"Why are you here?" Korra asked, confused. Audrey's mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out, she didn't prepare for this.

"Ah, yes, let me also introduce you to my niece!" Suyin clapped, there was a slight frustration in her voice. She turned and glared at her sister.
"Audrey Beifong."

Audrey turned to her Aunt, shocked. Suyin grinned, this was a side of her Aunt she had never seen before. There was something 'off' about her. From the corner of her eye she could see Lin's horrified expression. Could she have figured it out? That her own daughter had been standing in front of her this whole time.

In the end it was not supposed to be revealed to Lin that Audrey was in fact her daughter, it was Suyin's anger that caused her to embarrass her sister. Although the need to do it in front of the Avatar and her team didn't help the situation at all.

The original idea was that Suyin would reveal the truth to Lin in a similar way she had to Audrey. Yes, there would be anger and probably some earthbending, but in the end Lin would accept it.

Just before dinner Suyin came to speak with her. She walked into her niece's room, and found her sitting on her bed and staring into space.

"She was horrified." Audrey muttered from her trance-like state. "She was horrified to know that I was her daughter." A single tear ran down Audrey's face dripping onto the book that lay open on her lap.
Suyin felt tears forming in her own eyes.
Suyin sat next to Audrey and hugged her, "I'll ask Chef to keep a plate of food for you. Don't worry about coming to dinner if you don't feel up to it. "
Suyin stood up, wiped her eyes and left the room to attend to her guests. Audrey was left alone again with her thoughts.


Hours later, once everyone had gone to bed a soft knock came from her door again. Audrey was too depressed to even respond. The door opened and a man in green robes walked in.

"Aiwei?" Audrey responded confused, Aiwei wasn't usually in the building at this hour of the night.

"I understand that you're upset." He said, in a strangely comforting tone. "But I need to speak with you."
Audrey shrugged and gestured for him to sit down.

"I would like to tell you about something." He said a slight glimmer in his eyes.

"Have you ever heard of the Red Lotus?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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