chapter 3.

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As soon as Asha heard Vikas's voice, she got very scared, while Vikas was trying to look from the window of his room but he could only see a shadow.

Vikas left to come down from there. When Vikas left the window, Asha came running inside and quickly closed the door and hid in the kitchen.

Vikas came down, he went outside to look, while Vikas went out, Asha ran towards her room.

Vikas looked around and said to himself, "There is no one here, then that shadow?"

Then after pausing for a while, "Maybe it's just my illusion."

Having said this, Vikas came inside the house and he started going to his room but suddenly stopped and said to himself, "Let me see once, how is Nitya, if she is really dead,
To take you will have to give".

Having said this, Vikas went towards the basement and as soon as he opened the door and went inside, he started shouting as he did not see Nitya anywhere.

Vikas stood there and started shouting, "Maa- Maa?"

Then he quickly ran from there to the hall and started shouting again. Hearing Vikas's voice, Sudha Ji came running and along with her Asha also came.

Sudha Ji said, "What happened? why are you yelling?"

Vikas quickly said, "Maa Nitya is not in the basement".

Sudha Ji said in shock, "She not in the basement? What do you mean where will she go? She will be somewhere here".

"No Maa, she is not anywhere, she ran away, just now I saw someone's shadow outside, it was definitely her.", Vikas said.

Sudha Ji said, "How did she run away?"

Then after pausing for a while, "What are you waiting for, she should not run away, otherwise we will be in danger."

On hearing this, Vikas called some of his friends and went out with them to search for Nitya.

Sudha Ji sat there with her hand on her forehead and said to herself, "She might go to the police".

Then after pausing a bit angrily, "Once I find you, I'll make you taste so much that you won't even think of running away from here again".

The same Asha was listening to everything and was also worried that don't know where Nitya has reached? That Vikas might catch her and anyhow she might go far away from here.

On the other hand, Nitya was running but she was not able to understand where she was going and for how long would she keep running like this. But Nitya had come far away from home.
And her breathing also started getting labored because she was already not well nor had she eaten anything for the last two days. That's why Nitya got tired and sat down on the support of a tree. And started taking deep breaths.

Meanwhile, she heard some sounds, as if someone was running towards her. As soon as Nitya heard these sounds, she got scared and quickly got up and hid from there.

And in sometime Vikas reached there with his friends searching for Nitya. Nitya got very scared after seeing Vikas. Vikas looked at his friends and said, "Where has she gone?"

And one of his friends said, "Where else will she go? Anyway, her condition is not such that she can go far from here".

Vikas said, "Yes you are right, let's find her".

Saying this, they went a little further from there, while Nitya became even more scared by the fact that Vikas and Sudha Ji came to know about her escape.

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