Chapter 40.

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Avayan was still sitting in his office when his phone started ringing. He picked up the phone and said "Hello" without any emotion.

Meanwhile, Tony's voice came from ahead, "Hello sir, your suspicion was right. Mr. Rana is not behind this attack."

Tony was in France but Avayan had called him back. So that he can get the truth out from Mahesh Rana. Because Tony had gained the trust of Mahesh Rana. As Avayan wanted. Now Tony was one of the most trusted and special people of Mr. Rana.

Avayan, "Where is he?"

Tony, "Sir! He is in his old factory, that factory was not seized because that factory is not in the name of Mr. Rana nor is it in any record. Mr. Rana has been living in the same factory since his release from jail. I have found out from Mr. Rana, even he does not know who is behind this? But whoever he is, he didn't want anyone to know that he was planning to kill you, that's why he got Mr. Rana out of jail so that he could say that he has done all this and is the mastermind of all this".

"Mr. Rana happily agreed to it, and you know why. But whoever was behind this did not want anyone to know that he was behind this attack, not even after your death. But it didn't happen as he thought." Tony added.

As Avayan was listening to Tony, his anger was increasing.

Avayan, "You stay with Mahesh Rana and try to find out who had made that call."

Tony, "Yes Sir".

Hearing this, Avayan hung up the phone. He was surprised to hear Tony's words. He was unable to understand who he was, who wanted to kill him but did not want to come forward even after his death.

He angrily hit the table with his fist and then started calling Vipul, "Khanna? Khanna?"

As Vipul heard his voice, he came running to his cabin. Avayan stared at him angrily and asked, "Where is that girl?"

Vipul was a little scared, "Boss! That Anaysha is at her home."

Avayan said, "Call her now."

Vipul said, "Yes- Yes Boss". Saying this, Vipul quickly went out of the cabin to call Anaysha.

He placed his hand on his chest and took a deep breath and said, "Jaivardhan Sir goes away every time adding fuel to the raging fire."

After saying so, Vipul took out his phone and put it to his ear after dialled Anaysha's number. As she answered the phone without listening to anything, Vipul quickly said, "Anaysha! Come to the office, as soon as possible."

Saying this, Vipul hung up the phone. After about twenty minutes, Anaysha came to the office. Vipul was standing in front of Avayan's cabin, waiting for her.

As she arrived, he said, "Come quickly, Boss is waiting for you and yes, don't say anything extra."

Hearing this, she glared at him while he went to Avayan's cabin, she also followed him.

Avayan was working on some papers when Vipul came forward and said, "Boss, that-?"

Avayan said midway while looking at his file, "How many times did you received call from that number?"

Anaysha said, "Three times, first to tell about the work and then to deliver the money and-?"

She stopped and Avayan said, "And for the third time?"

"When your car stopped behind, but the third time when the call came there was someone else on the phone but the number was the same." Anaysha replied.

"Who came to give the money?" Avayan asked.

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