Chapter 15.

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Nitya went with Ishana to her room and Ishana said, "Take rest, I will send something to eat for you and if you need anything, please let me know."

Nitya just nodded at Ishana's words. She was looking around the room. Ishana looked at her for some time hoping that she would say something to her, but when Nitya did not say anything, she left from there.

On the other hand, Ishaan and Dadi were sitting in the hall. Ishan said to Dadi, "she's so pretty, right Dadi".

Dadi smiled and said, "Yes, she is".

Ishan further said, "But Dadi, where did Avayan Bhai meet with her, I mean, bhai is a angry man and our future sister-in-law is very calm and sweet, it is like fire and water are going to meet each other."

Meanwhile, Ishana came from behind and said, "Say fire and petrol."

Ishan and Dadi looked at Ishana with surprise and said together, "What"??

Ishana sat on the sofa in front and said, "She's just like bhai, there is no special difference between these two, neither bhai nor she talks to anyone, yes I mean only I was being talked to, she didn't even replied to me once, didn't say a single word".

Dadi laughed at this and said, "Beta, she has just come, she will get along well in some time, only then will she talk to someone. Okay, now you just leave all this and see whether Bhola has got all the preparations done on time. Guests will also start coming go and see is everything done".

Ishana said, "Yes Dadi". Saying this, Ishana left from there. No one in the Rathore family knew that Nitya had lost her voice and perhaps neither did Avayan want anyone to know about it.

On the other hand in the study room,

Avayan was sitting on the sofa and Jaivardhan Ji was sitting on his opposite side. Avayan looking at him and said in his cold voice "Mr.Rathore, I don't want much noise and fuss".

Jaivardhan Ji further said, "But Avayan, how will the marriage take place without any noise"?

Avayan glared at him angrily and said, "Why don't you understand anything at once, anyways, that's all I wanted to say, you have to do the next thing, I just care about getting my work done."

Saying this, Avayan left from there and Jaivardhan Ji seeing him leaving said, "No matter how much you deny it, but you are my blood and the bond of blood never breaks, beta. Well, my only son's marriage will be the same as my son wants".

Then he paused for a while and smiled and said, "I know why you are doing all this and I am also very happy that you opened the doors of your heart for someone, otherwise after that accident-"?

Saying this, Jaivardhan Ji stopped midway and then got up from there.

Malti Ji was currently sitting in her room, there was anger as well as hatred on her face. She was rubbing her hands angrily when Rajvardhan Ji came there and as soon as he came he said, "What happened, why are you sitting here like this, there is so much work to do downstairs."

Malti Ji said angrily on this, "So do you want me to work for your nephew like you?"

Rajvardhan Ji said, "At least today, take out some good words from your mouth."

Malti Ji said, "I don't know how long I will have to bear all this, first they ate my son's place and now here in this house too, they have come and sat on our heads."

Rajvardhan Ji said angrily, "After the marriage, he will go from here, till then keep your mouth shut for the sake of God. And as for Vikrant, Did he have a place of his own? which anyone who can eat, where will he have the time from friends, and his useless parties."

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