Chapter 33.

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Avayan was sitting in his cabin when Vipul came there and said, "Boss! we searched every corner of that forest. But there was no trace of the consignment. Even JD found nothing. And the vehicle in which the consignment was transported. We have found that vehicle but it is burnt."

Avayan on Vipul's statement, "Hmm".

Vipul said further, "Boss! I think Mr. Rana is behind this."

On hearing this, Avayan stood up from his place and put his hands in the pockets, he walked towards the balcony and said, "No Khanna, he is not Mr. Rana. Tony is keeping an eye on him."

Vipul immediately said, "If not Rana then who else could it be?"

Thinking something, Avayan said, "Whoever he is, he can't stay hidden for long, anyway go back to your work."

Vipul bowed his head, "Yes Boss". Saying this, Vipul left from there and Avayan was still standing in front of the balcony looking outside.

The same thing was bothering him. He stood there for some time and then took out his phone and called someone, and when the phone was answered from the front, he said, "Where is he?"

Meanwhile, a voice came from ahead, "Boss! right now he is in his office."

Hearing this, he hung up the phone without saying anything further and then placed both his hands on the table, he looked in front and said, "It would be better if you just concentrate on your work. Because if you come in my way this time, you will end up there."

Saying this, he hit both his palms forcefully on the table.

On the other hand, Aadhar came to the bureau to collect all his documents and stuff. He was in his cabin when Karan came there and said, "Sir! I have come to know from some sources that the drug has connection with that JD. Because that JD had come on that route twice."

Aadhar stopped there while doing his work hearing Karen's words. He looked at him and said, "You sure?"

Karan said, "Not yet, but it seems so from his actions."

Aadhar said to himself, "JD has a connection with drugs and Mad Wolf has a connection with JD."

Karan further said, "Sir! when are you leaving?"

After listening to Karan, Aadhar came out of his thoughts and said, "Umm! In the evening".

"And yes, keep an eye on everything and give me moment-to-moment updates." He added.

Karan said, "Sure sir".

Aadhar kept all his stuff in a box and then picked it up and said, "Come, let me meet the new guests before leaving."

After some time, both of them reached the same old building where they had kept the drugs and those two men. Aadhar and Karan came out of the car with masks on their faces. They had completely hidden their faces with black masks.

After getting down from the car, both of them looked at each other and then went inside. They went into a room. Where they had kept those two men. There was only one lamp in that room. Which was hanging above those men's head.

Those men were tied to chairs and their mouth was taped. Karan removed the tap from a man's mouth and then stood back.

Aadhar said, making his voice heavy so that they would not recognize him, "Look, we won't do anything to you. You just tell us on whose behalf, I mean for whom, you are taking these drugs."

The man was just staring at Aadhar but not saying anything. On which Aadhar further said, "If you want to get out of here then open your mouth".

And Karan took out his gun and pointed it at the man, he said angrily, "He will not speak like this, because all we know that the ghosts of kicks do not agree with words sir".

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