Chapter 9.

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Nitya was sitting there on the bed in the same shocked state, she was not able to understand what had happened just now, it all seemed like a dream to her.

So, she pinched her hand hard. And said to herself, "Ahhh, all this is true, how..., how did all this happen. He is a strange man. Does anyone kiss anyone directly like this, we kiss the one whom we love and here he doesn't even know me, so how can he kiss me suddenly like this?"

Nitya was very innocent, and had no bitterness towards anyone. Even after all that Sudha Ji did to her,

She never even said anything bad about her, leave doing so. And still, more than the fact that Avayan kissed her, she was worried about how anyone can kiss someone, even if he does not love her.

But perhaps she did not know that unknowingly she had made a place for herself in his heart and what she had to know was that he not only knows her well but is also punishing her criminals and that too without her knowledge.

But she was completely unaware of all these things.

On the other hand Avayan reached his room, he went straight to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. At this time, instead of his reflaction in the mirror,

He could see him kissing Nitya. And a sweet smile appeared on his face.

When he realized that he was smiling unnecessarily, he quickly stopped smiling and started circling, holding his head.

Avayan said to himself, "I kissed her, I kissed Nitya, I mean why? What happened to me? Why couldn't I control myself? Why did I get lost in her?"

Avayan was very surprised at himself. Till date he had not allowed anyone to come close to him, then how could he himself go so close to Nitya.

This thing was completely beyond his understanding. Thinking all this, Avayan went to take shower.

After some time, Avayan came into the room after taking bath. He was wearing a bathrobe.

He came and sat on the bed tousling his hair.

He started remembering falling on the bed with Nitya and a smile appeared on his face again.

But, in the same way he suddenly stopped smiling and got up from the bed and went to his wardrobe.

Nitya also freshened up and sat in her room when kaki came there. And, she said, "How are you Nitya?"

Nitya did not respond to kaki's words, as she was lost in her own thoughts.

Kaki went a little ahead and placed her hand on het head and said, "Nitya, where are you lost?"

Nitya was shocked when Kaki placed her hand on her head and she came out of her thoughts. She looked in front, Shanti Kaki was standing there, she smiled looking at her.

Kaki further said, "Nitya where were you lost like this?"

Nitya shook her head and got up from the bed and gestured to kaki saying, "Where were you till now?"

Kaki understands what she is saying. Because it was not so difficult question, it had been a long time since kaki lived with Nitya. That's why she started understanding some of her gestures.

Kaki said, "That's nothing Nitya, I just had some work at home so I took time for that. By the way, your kaka had already come, didn't he meet you?"

Nitya shook her head. Kaki further said, "He would have started working something", Having said this, kaki held her hand and made her sit on the bed, placed her hand on her face and said, "Nitya are you okay here?"

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