Chapter 13.

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Avayan gently made her sit on the bed, Nitya still had her eyes closed, she was trembling with fear.

Avayan caressed her head and kept calling her but nothing was having any effect on her.

Avayan looked at her like this for some time but when she was not calming down even after a long time, he held her with both her arms and shook her vigorously and said, "Nitya?"

Avayan's voice reached her ears, she suddenly opened her eyes and took a deep breath and looked towards him. Seeing Avayan, Nitya had tears in her eyes and she hugged him crying.

Avayan also held her in his arms and caressing her head said, "shhhh, relax... relax, I'm here I'm here with you, don't cry, I'm here with you and you don't need to be afraid of anyone okay?"

Avayan pulled her away from him, wiped her tears and then fixed her frizzy hair.

He picked up the glass of water lying on the bed side table and gave it to Nitya and said, "Drink some water and relax, there is no one here who can harm you."

Nitya caught the glass of water from his hand but her hands were still trembling a lot, due to which she could not handle the glass.

Avayan quickly took back the glass from her hand and then make her drink with his hands. She drank only a little and he kept the glass aside.

Jaivardhan Ji was standing at the door watching everyone. He was very surprised to see Avayan.

Jaivardhan Ji thought while looking at Avayan, "Who is this girl for whom Avayan is getting so worried, in front of whose pain he has forgotten his own pain and anger. Just like before, today Avayan is worrying about someone so much".

Thinking all this, Jaivardhan Ji came inside and stood in front of the bed.

When Avayan's eyes fell on Jaivardhan Ji, he started staring at him angrily and said, "You haven't gone-". After saying this, Avayan became silent looking at Nitya and then calmed down his anger and said without shouting, "You are still here, I told you to go from here".

Whereas Jaivardhan Ji was just looking at Nitya and sometimes at Avayan.

Avayan got up from the bed and stood in front of Jaivardhan Ji, clenching his teeth and emphasizing his words, said, "Just go from here, don't force me to do something which you cannot tolerate."

At first Jaivardhan Ji was just looking at Avayan, then after a little pause, he said, "Your wedding is after a week Avayan come home, everyone is waiting for you."

Avayan widened his eyes at this and said angrily to Jaivardhan Ji, "Why don't you understand at once? Is there any problem in you brain. I said, only I can decide everything in my life and I have not given anyone the right to take any decision for me".

Jaivardhan Ji further said, "But Kiara was your childhood friend, so what is the problem in getting married to her and anyway everything has been fixed, now what should I answer to Kiara and her family?"

Avayan said without any expressions, "That's not my problem Mr. Rathore".

Jaivardhan Ji further said, "But I-".

Jaivardhan Ji had just said this when Avayan interrupted him and said, "Okay, I will marry but to Nitya, I will marry to Nitya and that too next week, preparations are done right? And if not then go and make all the prepration on time, go."

Nitya's mouth remained open after listening to Avayan. As much as Nitya was surprised by Avayan's words, so was Madhav Kaka.

But Jaivardhan Ji was not at all surprised by this, it seemed as if he already knew that Avayan was going to say something like this.

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