Chapter 15

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I look at Wolfgang with furrowed brows.

" Okay, what just happened? " I look around my apartment, not sure if I'm still dreaming or if I am actually awake, and all of this actually happened.

I feel a hand grab mine and I turn my head back to Wolfgang.

" You just got the job. " He says with an enthousiastic smile on his face.

I shake my head to clear it and look back at my computer screen as I get a notification to tell me I have a new e-mail. I let go of Wolfgang's hand and open up the mail. It's an e-mail from Cortney with the documents she told me about just a minute ago. Damn, they work fast. I look at the time and see it's nine thirty. The time went by in a flash.

I close my laptop and turn to face Wolfgang. " Your parents seem like great people. "

He nods, smiling. " They really are. They seem to like you, too by the way. "

I raise my brows in surprise. " They just met me, and I don't know if I made the best first impression yelling at their son to see what he wanted to drink. " I say as I chuckle.

He just smiles at me. " At least they know you don't want me to die from thirst. " He winks and I feel my face get red and hotter by the second. What is this guy doing to me? 

I can't. It's not wise Séverine. You can't.

I give him a small smile back and as he opens his mouth to speak, my cat decides to rub himself against Wolfgang's leg. Wolfgang scratches his head, and looks back at me with a smile.

" Is he always this friendly? "

I shake my head, then shrug. " No, I mean before everything went down with Thomas my ex, he was the friendliest cat around. Anyone that came in our home would be greeted by the little monster smelling their feet or shoes and pants, and the he'd let them pet him. But since I moved here, he's been very wary of men. I think he somehow felt the fact that I had been a little incomfortable with men since the whole ordeal. I don't know how to explain his behaviour. But he sure as hell like you though. " I say as I smile back at him.

He shrugs his shoulders. " Maybe he feels that I'm no threat to you or him. You know, animals have that extra sense. Maybe he can feel that I like his mommy. " He looks at me with a very meaningful look and then looks back at Toffee. " Yes you do, don't you? "

My heart did a double take at that sentence. But I probably just misread the whole thing. We've known each other three days. It's nonsense.

It's at this time that my phone decides to ping. I pick it up and groan as I read the message.

From Lolo:

"Coucou toi, comment tu vas?
J'ai entendue d'un petit oiseau que tu t'es fait des nouveaux amis?
Je suis vraiment contente pour toi.
Par la même occasion, je voulais te demander si on doit te garder une chaise pour un plus un pour le mariage? Comme ça on peut regarder pour réarranger les tables."

(Hey you, how are you?
I heard from a little birdie that you made new friends?
I'm really happy for you.
At the same time, I wanted to ask you if we have to keep a chair for a plus one for the wedding? So we can look to rearrange the tables.)

I sigh audibly and Wolfgang looks up from petting Toffee. " What's wrong? " 

I shake my head. " Nothing, it's fine. Just another reminder the wedding is going to be awkward as hell. " I lock my phone and put it on the table.

I rake a hand through my hair and take a deep breath. 

You can deal with the awkwardness for one day Séverine. It's your brother's wedding.

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