Chapter 1: Jade

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~Logan's POV~
I heard my phone go off, and I picked it up. "Hello?" I said. "Hey Logan, do you wanna hang out?" It was my best friend, Jade Thirlwall. "Sure, where at?" I asked. "How about the park?" she asked. "Sure, see ya in a little bit." I agreed. "Bye." she said, then she hung up. I walked outside, and it was a lovely summer day. I headed down to the park, where I was supposed to meet Jade. "Hey Logan, over here!" she waved at me, and I walked over to her. "Hey Jade." I said, and she hugged me. She smelled like a sweet vanilla perfume. I breathed in the scent before she let go of me. To tell the truth, I have the biggest crush on her. Every time I see her, I get butterflies. We've been friends since the third grade, and even then I was crushing. She's always been nice to me, and she's been there for me through a lot. She could count on me, and I could count on her. I was the one she always ran to when she had a problem. "Logan? Are you alright?" she put her hand on my arm. "Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." I said, after I snapped back to reality. We sat down on the dock, by the lake. "Wow, the lake is so beautiful at this time of day." Jade looked down at the lake. She's just so pretty, like an angel. I really like her eyes, they're that beautiful light brown. Stop it Logan... you're just friends. That's all you'll ever be. Jade looked directly into my eyes, and we just stared at each other for awhile. "Jade?" I said. "Hm?" she asked. "Can I ask you something?" I touched her arm. "Sure." she smiled softly. "Uh... would you like to maybe possibly... go out with me sometime?" I scratched the back of my head. "Logan, I c-can't. I have a boyfriend." she said. Ouch, that felt like a cold, hard slap in the face. "Oh, okay." I felt completely heartbroken. "I'm sorry." she put her hand on my arm. "It's alright." I lied, and faked a smile. I saw Jade turn, and wave at someone. I turned too, and I saw her boyfriend. "I gotta go, sorry." she got up, and went over to him. They walked away hand-in-hand, leaving me all by myself. A couple of tears rolled down my cheeks, and I pulled my knees up to my chest. I didn't want this to happen, but more and more tears just kept coming.

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