Chapter 38: Musical Love

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(A Few Weeks Later)

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I looked at my phone, and it was half past noon. I slowly dragged myself out of bed, and went to answer the door. It was Logan, and he was sweaty and out of breath, as if he had just went for a run. "Hey Harry." he said. "Hi, what's up?" I asked. "Nothing much. I just went for a run, and I happened to go past your house, so I thought I'd stop by." he smiled. "Oh, okay. Do you wanna come in?" I said. "Sure." he walked in, and closed the door behind him. We both sat down on the sofa, and he caught his breath. "Do you want something to drink? You seem dehydrated." I touched his arm. "Yeah, water would be nice." he nodded. I looked in the fridge, and grabbed two bottles of water. I sat back down, and gave one to him. "Thanks." he said. "No prob." I smiled softly. He looked in one corner of my room, and he noticed the piano. "You play piano?" he asked. "Nah, not as much as I used to." I shrugged, and sipped my water. "Do you mind if I-" he pointed to the piano. "Go ahead." I said. He sat down in front the piano, and rolled up his sleeves. "Come here, sit down with me." he said. I sat down next to him, and he started playing. I knew the song the second he played the first note. It was Til The Stars Fall From The Sky, which was the second song I learned how to play on the piano. I instantly fell in love with the song when I heard it, and Logan's making me fall in love with it even more. His voice was so strong, and it made me wanna sing along, so that's exactly what I did. We sounded so amazing together, because our voices just instantly blended. "I'll be with you my darling, when morning is nigh... and the whispers of the night wind go past with a sigh." we sang. 

"Did you like it?" Logan asked, after he finished playing the song. "Yes, that was beautiful. And your voice was... flawless." I said. "Well, I don't know about flawless, but... thank you." he looked down, and he was blushing. I wrapped my arms around him, and pulled him close to me. Just as I was about to kiss him, there was a knock on the door. "Just ignore it, babe." he whined, and they knocked again. "No, I can't. It could be important." I pulled away from him, and answered the door. Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Niall were all standing there, and I wasn't expecting them today. "Hey guys, what's up?" I asked them. "Don't you remember? We were gonna practice at your house today." Liam said. "Oh, right! It must've slipped my mind. Uh.. come on in." I opened the door more, and they all walked in. Logan was still sitting by the piano, and he just looked confused. "Oh yeah! Guys, this is my good friend Logan. Logan, this is Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn." I said. "Nice to meet you guys." he smiled awkwardly. "Nice to meet you too, mate!" Zayn said, cheerfully. Well... this is awkward. I still haven't told the guys that I'm gay yet, and I bet Logan was just confused. He shook hands with all the lads, then sat back down at the piano. Every once in a while, we'd exchange longing glances, or flirty winks.

(After Practice)

"What was that all about?" Logan asked. "I still haven't told them about you yet. I'm sorry, love." I nuzzled him. "It's okay, I understand. Coming out to anyone, especially your friends, is hard." he said. "Yeah, but I will eventually. I promise." I slid my arm around his shoulders, and kissed his forehead. 

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