Chapter 16: Blissful Love

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~Jade's POV~
I woke up on the couch, and I was sleeping with Logan. He twined his fingers in mine, and kissed my forehead. "Morning love." I whispered, and kissed him on his nose. "Morning." he gave me a sleepy smile. We were completely entwined and comfortable, and I just didn't wanna move. "I'm gonna go take a shower." he said. I moved, so he could get up, and he went to the bathroom. I saw a dog walk in from the kitchen, and he came over to me. "Hi boy." I said. He sat by my feet, and looked up at me, as if he expected me to give him something. I patted his head, and he seemed satisfied. This must be Logan's dog, Dallas. He was always talking about him or taking pictures of the cute things he did. He hopped up beside me, and put his head and paws in my lap. "What a sweet pup." I said, and I stroked his fur. If dogs could purr, I'm pretty sure Dallas would have. He knows that he's being loved and cared for, and that makes me happy. Especially after I found out how he was treated before. Logan told me he was scruffy and so skinny, but he seems to be in perfect health now. He's clean, he has proper tags and identification, and he's definitely bulked up. Logan came out after awhile, and I was playing fetch with him. "Hey, do you wanna go out for breakfast this morning?" he asked. "Nah, why don't you make breakfast?" I put my arm around his shoulders. "Hm... I suppose I could." he smiled.
Logan made bacon, scrambled eggs, and hashbrowns for breakfast. We sat down, ate, and talked. I even slipped a few bits of food to Dallas, but Logan caught on eventually. "Hey, no more feeding the dog. I don't want him to get into the habit of eating table scraps." he said. "Sorry." I apologized sheepishly. "Heh, it's alright. Just don't do it again." he said, seriously. "Okay, I won't." I made a crossing motion over my heart, and he just laughed.

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