Chapter 18: Grey Clouds

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~Jade's POV~
I decided to go over to Logan's, because I had something very important to tell him, and it's probably better to tell him in person. I knocked on his door, and tried to hold my tears in until I actually told him. He came and answered the door, and I could tell he just woke up. His hair was a mess, and he was wearing just his boxers. "Hey, can I come in? I have something I need to tell you." I said. "Sure." he yawned. I walked in, and closed the door behind me. "Uh, you might wanna sit down for this." I said. He sat down, and I sat by him. "Okay, what is it?" he asked. "Uh... I'm going back to London." I said. "What? But that's so far away! Why?" he asked. "I'm going to be closer to my family, especially my mum. She was buried up there, and I haven't visited her grave in ages." I said. "I really wish you didn't have to leave." he said. "Well, I don't have to. My dad gave me a choice, and I decided to go." I said. "Oh... I understand. I'd probably make the same decision." he looked so disappointed. "Hey, I'll come visit you! And I'll even stay with you during the summertime." I held his hands. "Okay." he managed a smile, but I knew it wasn't real. "Don't worry, we can make this work." I hugged him, and a few tears rolled down my cheeks. "I know we can. I'm just a phone call or Skype chat away." he said. "And so am I. If you ever need anything. Uh, by the way... why when's Audrey and Kyle's wedding?" I asked. "April 19th." he said. "Well, that's perfect. I promise I'll be there." I kissed him on the cheek. "Okay. I'll be expecting you." he chuckled. "Heh, okay." I leaned in, and kissed him. "Hey, since this is your last week in NYC, why don't I take you out tonight?" he asked. "That sounds lovely. What do you have in mind?" I asked. "I'm gonna take you out to the fanciest restaurant in New York, then we're gonna go see a movie, whatever one you want. Then we're come back here, and drink hot chocolate by the fire." he said. "Ahh, perfect." I rested against him, and he held me.
Logan and I did everything he said we would that night, and it was the most romantic time of my life.

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