Chapter 9: Jade's Family

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I was getting ready to meet Jade's family, and I heard the doorbell. I went to answer the door, and it was Jade. She was wearing a white tanktop and a black skirt, and she looked lovely. "Hey Logan." she smiled. "H-hi... wow, you look beautiful." I said. "Thanks, you look really nice too. So, are you ready to go?" she asked. "Yeah, let's go." I said. We got into her car, a black PT Cruiser. To be honest, I was a nervous wreck. I wasn't sure how this was gonna go, and that scared me a little. Jade must've sensed my tension, because she grabbed my hand and told me that it's gonna be okay. "Are you sure?" I asked her. "One hundred percent. Besides, I'm sure my dad will love you." she said. "O-okay." I said. She pulled up to a nice, warm-looking house, and parked in the driveway behind a red Chevy truck. I exhaled, and got out of the car. I opened up the door for her, and she stepped out. She held tight to my arm and then she went up to the front door, and opened it. She led me inside, and she started calling out for her dad. "Daddy? Sarabeth? Where are you?" she called out. "In here, pumpkin." her dad said, from the kitchen. We went in, and he was doing something in here. "Um... daddy? There's someone here I want you to meet." she said. He turned, and looked at us both. "Oh, hello! This must be..."
"Logan, dad." she said. "Oh, right. Nice to meet you Logan." he came up to me, and firmly shook my hand. "Nice to meet you too sir." I said, politely. "So, where's Sarabeth?" Jade asked. "She's up in her room. Sara, come down here!" he called out. "Coming dad!" she said. A pretty girl walked down the stairs, and looked right at me. "Sarabeth, this is my boyfriend Logan." she gently squeezed my arm. "Nice to meet you." she smiled softly. "You too." I gave her a simple nod, but smiled back. Sarabeth's taller and skinnier than her sister, and she has dimples. They are both absolutely stunning in looks though, and (seemingly) sweet personality-wise. "Logan, may I talk to you?" Jade's dad interrupted, just as we were all getting better acquainted. "Y-yes, sir." I got up, and followed him to one of the rooms. "Here, sit on down." he said. I sat down in a chair, and I faced him. "Okay, what'd you wanna talk to me about?" I asked. "Logan, Jade's my youngest baby. I want her to be taken care of whenever I'm gone. I like you, boy and I know I can trust you. I know I'm asking a lot of you, but can I count on you to take care of her?" he asked. "Y-yes sir, absolutely! I'm doing the best I can." I said. "Okay, good. I'm glad we could have this little chat." he put his hand on my shoulder. "Me too. I really love your daughter, Mr. Thirlwall. I want you to know that she is in good hands." I said. "Okay, good." We both got up, and went back to Jade and Sarabeth. We all sat around, and got to know each other better. After about an hour, we left, and Jade asked me if I wanted to stay the night. I said yes, and we watched movies together.

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