Chapter 39: Why Is Our Love So Wrong?

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Logan went home, so I was chilling out with my cat Molly and watching a movie. "Huh, I didn't even know I had this movie." I said to myself. I put the movie in, and sat down on the sofa. Molly laid down across my lap, and I scratched behind her ears. I heard my phone blaring my ringtone in my pocket, so I pulled it out, to see who it was. It was Zayn, so I answered it. "Ello?" I said. "Hey Harry." he said. "Zayn! What's up mate?" I asked cheerfully. "Well, the boys and I have a question for you." he said. "Okay, ask away." I said, as I pet Molly absentmindedly. "Is there something going on between you and Logan?" he asked. "Um... why do you ask?" I was trying to avoid the question. "Well, we saw the way you looked at him when he was with you. And we saw you two flirting." he said. "Okay... Logan is my boyfriend. I just didn't wanna tell you guys, because... I was afraid of how you would react." I said. "Harry, I'm sorry to tell you this, but... we decided that if you and Logan are together, then it would be best to let you go from the band." he said. Ouch, that really felt like a shot to the heart. "W-what?" I asked. "We're doing this to protect you, Harry." he said. "To protect me? I thought you guys would support me." I said, and my voice broke. "Harry, we do support you. But you know how some people can be." he said. "I know, but I love Logan! Why is that so wrong?" I asked. "I-I'm sorry Harry." was all he said before he hung up. Tears were already rolling down my cheeks, and I just curled up. I put my head down, and just let it out. There was a knock on the door, and I just told them to go away. "Harry? Are you okay?" it was Logan. I didn't say anything, but he just sat down by me. "It'll make you feel better if you talk to me." he whispered in my ear. I just looked up at him. "Oh, Harry... what's wrong angel?" he wiped my tears with his shirtsleeve. "I got kicked out of my band." I said. "Why?" he asked, and he just held me in his arms. "Apparently it's because I'm with you, and they wanted to protect me from getting hated on." I explained. "Oh baby, I'm sorry." he pulled me closer, and I buried my face in his chest. "Shh, it's okay." he said, soothingly. "N-no it's not." I said. "Babe, look at me." he said, and I looked up at him with blurry eyes. "Please, don't cry. The only tears you should be crying... are tears of joy." he kissed my cheeks. "I usually don't let things get to me, but it's just hard sometimes." I curled up in his arms. "I know, I know. Sometimes you just have to let things go, even if it takes time. I'll always be here for you, if you ever need anything." he kissed my forehead now. "Thank you. I love you." I said. "I love you too." he whispered. 

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