Chapter 41: Forgiveness

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~Logan's POV~

I was at home, and Harry and I were watching a movie. There was a knock on the door, and I looked at him. "You get it." I said. "No, you get it." he looked at me. "Rock, paper, scissors?" I asked. "Just to see who should get the door?" he asked. "Yes." I nodded, and put my fist in my hand. "Okay, fine." he said. We played rock paper scissors once, and he lost. He went to answer the door, and I just sat there. "Hey Harry, is Logan here?" I heard Jade's voice from the door. "I don't think he wants to see you right now." he crossed his arms. "Please? I only need a few seconds." she said. "Just let her in, babe." I told him. "Okay, come in then." he said. She walked in, and Ashton followed shortly behind. "Hello Jade, Ashton." I just gave them both a casual nod. "Hey. Uh... Logan, I have something to ask you." she said. "What?" I looked at her. "Ashton's been bugging me about this since forever now, so I think it's time for us to be friends again." she said. "Hm... I don't know. On one hand, you cheated on me, but on the other hand, you brought Harry and I together..." I scratched my chin. "Oh, please don't do this to me! Just forgive me, so we can be friends again!" she begged. "Aw, what the hell! I guess I can forgive you." I smiled at her. "Oh, thank god! Can I have a hug?" she held her arms out to me. "Yes, absolutely." I hugged her, and Harry and Ashton joined in too. "Yay, we're all friends again!" Harry said, cheerfully. "I missed you Logan... being friends with you, I mean." she looked up at me. "I missed you too, Jade." I smiled. We all pulled out of this group hug, and Harry offered to take us out for pizza to celebrate. "I'm in!" I raised my hand, and Jade high-fived me. "Who am I to pass up a pizza? I'm in too." Ashton said. 

We all went out for pizza, and we ate, talked, and just had a great time as friends (sort of).

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