I love you, Luce

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Sophia Hargrave's palpable frustration echoed through the grandeur of her expansive house as she descended the sweeping staircase, her voice tinged with a blend of exasperation and genuine worry. The soft glow of the chandeliers above seemed to dim as she muttered, "I swear to God, where is that kid?"

Having meticulously combed through every nook and cranny of the lavishly appointed residence, her relentless search for her elusive son, Isaac, had proven utterly fruitless. Not a single room had been left untouched, and she had even ventured into the meticulously landscaped backyard, where the meticulously trimmed hedges and manicured flower beds held no clues.

She hadn't hesitated to cast a wide net in her pursuit, going so far as to contact the manager of the nearby ice rink, a place that had become a second home for her husband and son. "God forbid if there was ever a day when they didn't have their skates on," she mused, a wry smile momentarily playing on her lips.

Pulling her sleek iPhone from the pocket of her designer trousers, Sophia expertly dialed a familiar number, her impatience evident in the subtle tapping of her well-manicured nails against the device. She awaited a response with a mixture of apprehension and urgency. "Seth, is my son there?"

"I haven't seen him today, Sophie. I'm sorry, have you tried the ice rink?"

"He's not here. I already called," Sophia replied, the undercurrent of anxiety becoming more pronounced. Massaging her temples delicately with her slender fingers, she asked, "Do you know where he could be?"

The man's laughter, warm and comforting, crackled through the phone. "Sophia, Sophie, Soph. Have you tried the Fabray's?"

The revelation struck her like a sudden burst of sunlight breaking through storm clouds. "How has it not occurred to me before?" she sighed, berating herself internally. "They are literally attached at the hip, those two."

"They're best friends. Do you not remember what JJ and Alec were like back in the day?".

"Don't remind me, Seth. I still have nightmares about that skunk."

"Where is your husband?"

"He's nonchalantly packing the bags into the car with absolute zero concern about our son's whereabouts. I swear, Seth, those two drive me up the wall sometimes."

"Sophie, you married the man. We all warned you, and then you had Ace. JJ literally said copy paste," Seth chuckled. In the background, the unmistakable sounds of hustle and bustle at Toussaint's could be heard.

"We're still making the same joke, Cohen? You already made the joke the day my son was born. Don't you think that joke is getting old? Grow up."

"Never, Collins," Seth responded, his amusement palpable. Sophia could practically visualize him sticking his tongue out at her, prompting another eye roll. "I know you're rolling your eyes."

"And I know you're sticking your tongue out," she retorted with a petulant tone.

"Touche, Collins. Well, I have to get back to work or else Gracie will hit me. Tell JJ I'm sorry I can't go see the game, but that all of Fairbrook will meet at Toussaint's to watch it tomorrow. And say hello to Ace for me and tell him he will have a huge tiramisu from Grace waiting for him."

"Don't worry, I'll tell him."

Sophia glided out of the front door, the gentle morning light casting a golden hue on her blonde hair. The air was crisp, carrying the scent of dew-kissed grass as she made her way towards the garage. Inside, her husband was meticulously securing the last suitcase in the trunk of their car.

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