Ride or die

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Jayden and Isaac were more than just friends; they were practically brothers, their bond as strong as the very ice they skated on.Their friendship was an unwritten law of the universe, as undeniable as the azure sky on a clear summer day. Born from the deep-rooted camaraderie of their parents, who themselves were the epitome of lifelong companionship both on and off the ice rink, Jayden and Isaac were destined to be brothers in all but blood.They were equals in every sense, steadfast in their support for one another, the epitome of the phrase "ride or die." Through thick and thin, come hell or high water, they stood shoulder to shoulder, unwavering in their loyalty. With shared aspirations and a camaraderie that knew no bounds, their mothers often joked that they must share a single neuron, especially when mischief was afoot.

In recent days, Jayden had noticed a subtle shift in Isaac's demeanor, a pleasant distraction that seemed to hover around him like a halo. There was a sparkle in his eye, a spring in his step that hadn't been there before. Isaac appeared happier than usual, his smile more frequent, his attention often drifting to his cell phone with an air of anticipation. For Jayden, who knew Isaac better than anyone else, it was clear what was going on. His best friend had a crush.

Isaac had never been one to chase after fleeting flings or meaningless encounters. Unlike many of their peers at Columbus High, he placed far greater value on the sanctity of a genuine connection, cherishing the intimacy of a first date over the hollow promises of a one-night stand. While he had enjoyed a few dates here and there, none had captured his interest quite like this mysterious girl who now occupied his thoughts.

Observing his friend's newfound joy, Jayden couldn't help but feel a swell of happiness for him. Whoever this girl was, she was fortunate to have captured Isaac's attention. Isaac was a rare find indeed—charming, compassionate, and effortlessly cool, with a heart so boundless it threatened to burst free from his chest. And to top it all off, he was blessed with rugged good looks, an infectious sense of humor, and a talent for hockey that bordered on the supernatural. In short, call him biased but, his friend was every bit the quintessential dreamboat.

"Hey," Jayden approached Isaac after their practice, his skates gliding smoothly over the ice, "You doing alright?"

Isaac, engrossed in his phone, looked up at the sound of Jayden's voice, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Yeah, I'm good. Just... thinking about stuff. Why'd you ask?"

Taking a seat beside his friend, he cast a sideways glance at his friend, a knowing grin playing on his lips. "You've been smiling a lot lately. And not just any smile—the kind that reaches your eyes. It's good to see you happy, man."

"What's all this about?You're not usually this sentimental. Is it some special occasion I forgot about? Our friendiversary or something?"

Jayden chuckled, shaking his head. "Nah, nothing like that. Just wanted to make sure you're doing alright. And to say I'm happy for you."

Isaac's expression softened, a hint of bashfulness coloring his cheeks. "Well, there's actually someone... I like her, Jay."he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "We've been talking for a while now, and I...I'm thinking of asking her out."

"What's her name? Whoever she is, she's lucky to have you, Isaac Hargrave, smitten with her. Your fan club might shed a tear or two when they find out you're off the market."

His friend chuckled nervously, running a hand through his tousled brown locks. "You think so?" he asked, his tone laced with a mixture of pride and apprehension., "Her name's Quinn.She's the Head Cheerleader at McKinley. Do you think she'll say yes?"

"Well, I'd say she'd be crazy not to. Does your mother know? Ellie?"

"Oh, God, no. Mom would insist on meeting her right away, and your girlfriend would probably start stalking her on Instagram."

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