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It was a chilly day, and the biting cold hit Isaac the moment he stepped out of his sleek black Audi Q8 SUV. He had opted for a simple attire - a crisp white shirt, snug blue jeans, and sneakers, complemented by a cozy gray sweater and a brown corduroy jacket.

As he walked through the parking lot, he couldn't help but notice the curious stares from many students. Self-consciously, he glanced down at himself, half-expecting to find a stain or some fashion faux pas, but everything seemed in order.

A peculiar observation struck him; unlike in Columbus, the social dynamics at McKinley seemed different. The cheerleaders and jocks appeared to exist in separate spheres, a contrast he found perplexing. "Strange," he mused to himself.

As he pondered this, a distant voice interrupted his thoughts. "Come on Hummel, you know how this goes, don't make it harder than it is." Isaac turned in the direction of the sound and witnessed a group of football players in red varsity jackets cornering a lone boy in a blue jacket against a dreary dumpster.

"Wait," the boy named Hummel protested with desperation in his eyes, turning to face his aggressors. "You already know, this jacket is a Marc Jacobs, it's a designer. Can't you leave me alone, even if it's just for today?"

He furrowed his brow, were they really contemplating throwing this boy into the dumpster? A quick scan of the surroundings revealed a disturbing indifference among the onlookers; nobody seemed fazed or inclined to intervene. Wasn't anyone else seeing that this was bullying?

"Hey, you guys!" Isaac shouted, attracting the attention of the football players and the beleaguered boy in the blue jacket. "What do you think you're doing? He told you to leave him alone."

"And who the hell are you?" one of the players challenged, puffing out his chest. He recognized him by his distinctive mohawk - the same boy who had previously tried to make advances toward his younger sister at Homecoming.

"Stay away from him or we're going to have a problem," He warned, his eyes narrowing as he positioned himself protectively in front of the cornered boy. Standing at 6 ft 4, Isaac was acutely aware of the intimidating presence his height commanded, and he intended to use it to his advantage.

The players weren't easily swayed. "Hummel, is he your boyfriend?" taunted another, the derision evident in his tone. A cruel smirk played on his lips. "Come on, Puck. Let's get this over with before the Unholy Trinity asks why gay fairy here hasn't gotten his daily facial."

Puck hesitated, glancing between Isaac and his teammates. Eventually, he nodded. Before Isaac could process what was happening, he felt a cold, sticky substance drenching him from head to toe.

"Bye losers," he sneered, as he and his companions left, leaving him standing there, stunned and dripping.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" His outburst echoed through the air while frantically wiping off the slushy that had been thrown at him. "WHAT'S YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM?!"

"That was a slushy," the boy behind him explained matter-of-factly, as if this were a routine occurrence. "You didn't have to do that, you know? I'm used to it."

"Used to it?" Isaac turned to him, a mix of shock and confusion evident on his face. "What do you mean, you're used to it?"

"The cheerleaders and the football players are the kings and queens of McKinley," Hummel explained sympathetically, "If you're neither of them, what you just saw today is your daily life. Oh God, where are my manners? My name is Kurt Hummel. I'm sorry you had to ruin your outfit. Ralph Lauren, right?"

Isaac chuckled despite the frustrating situation. "Nice to meet you Kurt, my name is Isaac, and yes, it's Ralph Lauren. Anyway, don't worry, I can take my clothes to the dry cleaners to get the stain removed. Nice jacket, by the way."

The Story of Us - Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now