You're going to be okay

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He didn't know how long he had been staring at the door, lost in a haze of doubts, until he blinked and felt a light breeze brush against his skin, stirring the air in his room. The sound of footsteps downstairs and familiar voices brought him back to the present providing a stark contrast to the heavy silence that enveloped the room

"Why do you have to be so sentimental about everything? It's just sex."

Quinn's irritated voice resounded in his head, a haunting reminder of their heated argument. He sank back onto the bed, the weight of his emotions pressing down upon him like a suffocating blanket. Was he too sentimental for her? His parents had always encouraged him to express his feelings openly, to communicate with honesty and vulnerability. They had instilled in him that trust and communication were the cornerstones of any healthy relationship.

"I thought you wanted this. You're a guy, right?"

Her accusatory words rang in his ears, a sharp pang of hurt lancing through him as he recalled her accusation. Isaac understood where she was coming from, but the sting of her assumption cut deep, leaving a wound that festered with self-doubt and insecurity. It stung that she had assumed he was like one of those guys who only used girls for their own pleasure.

"But you are a couple, and couples have sex. It's just sex." a mocking voice taunted him, dredging up feelings of guilt and self-doubt.

Was he holding her back? Was he not fulfilling her needs as a boyfriend? The thought gnawed at him, twisting his stomach into knots as he grappled with his insecurities. Perhaps she had been ready to take that step in their relationship, and his hesitation had only served to hurt her further.

"Fuck you and fuck this," Quinn's sharp voice seeped back into Isaac's head like a bitter poison, each word slicing through his thoughts with razor-sharp precision. Had they broken up?

He didn't feel ready to have sex with her, but he had been willing to do it if it was what she needed. After all, it was just sex, right? It was normal to have sex with your girlfriend, wasn't it?

"If you don't give her what she wants, how will she love you?" the voice taunted him mercilessly, its words like venomous daggers stabbing at his already wounded heart. "You're no good, Isaac. You're like a broken record, always trying to please others and still not enough. You're not enough."

Isaac's hands flew to his ears, as if trying to block out the insidious voice. "Shut up, it's not true!" he shouted, his voice tinged with desperation, but the voice only grew louder, its relentless tirade echoing through the depths of his tortured mind.

"You're broken and no one wants a broken toy. You are a burden to others. To her."

"Shut up! It's not true. She loves me."

"Oh really? The only thing you give is pity. Nothing more."

"SHUT UP!," he pleaded, his voice cracking with anguish as he curled into a ball on the bed, his body trembling with the weight of his own self-loathing. "Shut up, please," he whispered brokenly, his eyes squeezed shut against the onslaught of cruel words that threatened to tear him apart from the inside out. "Please."

"That love that you think you deserve? You don't deserve it, you're not worth it."

Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, his body trembling with each ragged breath as panic clawed at his insides, threatening to suffocate him in its relentless grip and his heart hammered against his ribcage like a frantic bird trapped in a cage. The room seemed to close in around him, the walls pressing in with suffocating weight as he struggled to draw air into his constricted lungs. Every breath felt like a battle, a desperate struggle against the invisible hands that clenched around his throat, choking off his air supply.

The Story of Us - Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now