The problem isn't what, the problem is who

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"I hereby call the Celibacy Club to order," Rachel announced with a bright smile, her eyes scanning the room filled with the new members of the club, her posture exuding a sense of authority.

Puck scanned the room as he looked around for the absent school psychologist who typically led the meetings. "Where's Ms. Pillsbury?" he inquired, his tone laced with curiosity.

"She decided to take the hour she was spending here to fix her sham of a marriage. In the interim, I'll be taking over."

"Because you annoyingly take over everything?" Santana quipped, her tone laced with sarcasm as she examined her nails with exaggerated nonchalance.

Rachel's expression faltered slightly at the comment, but she quickly regained her composure, "Because I realized that while all of us making our celibacy pledge is wonderful, one day we're going to fall in love with someone and we're going to choose to be intimate with them," she continued, her tone earnest as she emphasized her point. "What are you two doing here?"

"We had nothing better to do."

Puck's attention wandered until it settled on Quinn, specifically on her neck, and a sly grin spread across his face. "Speaking of intimate, what's with the hickey, Quinn?" he teased, pointing a finger at the faint mark on her skin.

The cheerleader's eyes widened momentarily in surprise, but she quickly composed herself, shooting the boy a glare. "It's not a hickey," she insisted firmly, her tone defensive as she readjusted her varsity jacket.

"Oh, I know hickeys. I'm a freaking connoisseur. I can make them into shapes like balloon animals."

"I burnt myself this morning with a curling iron. Can we get back to this damn meeting? Berry, start talking."

Santana leaned closer with a Cheshire cat smile."What happened to 'it's all about the teasing and not about the pleasing', Fabray?" she whispered teasingly.

Brittany pulled her chair closer to Santana, her curiosity piqued. "I thought you were trying to keep it a secret," she added, her tone playful as she exchanged knowing glances with her girlfriend.

"Can you lower your voice? Let's just say we had a conversation about it."

"Before or after he gave you that hickey? Who thought Lover Boy had it in him? Do you have that much time in the mornings?"

Quinn couldn't help but smile at the memory, her thoughts drifting to her boyfriend. "He always gets up early to go for a run, so no one suspects anything," she explained with a fond smile. "Besides, this," she gestured to the hickey, "is payback because I gave him one last week, and they gave him the talk birds and bees talk."

"So you haven't moved past second base?"

"No," she confirmed, her cheeks flushing as she bit her lip."Obviously, we already saw each other topless last summer, but it hasn't happened again."


"He's not pressuring me at all, which is a relief, but it worries me a little. What if he doesn't find me attractive? I'm hot, right?"

"Of course, silly" the blue-eyed cheerleader chimed in with a beaming smile, "You're Quinn Fabray."

"I'm going to start charging you for these counseling sessions, Prom Queen. But let me do some simple math for you; he's hot, you're hot, and together you're like a volcano about to erupt. Isaac may be a gentleman, but in the end, he is a boy, and boys are constantly thinking about sex."

"San is right. Plus, we're teenagers, who isn't constantly thinking about sex? It's like a universal law," Brittany added matter-of-factly, while her girlfriend nodded.

The Story of Us - Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now