Chapter-1 Peace away from home

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I heard screams of my mom and dad fighting everyday, be it while eating dinner, watching TV, most of the time there were just shouting and meddling among the two of them. It became a habit to fight before going out. I grew up getting habitual to this type of environment where my voice would not be heard and peace was never an option. Soon i was grown enough to raise my voice for myself as i started working for myself and stopped depending on my parent's money. I run an agency that was giving me enough money to fill my belly so i decided to speak up for myself and told my parents that i don't want to live with them anymore.

The moment i said this there was utter silence, i heard the kind of ear buzzing that i've never heard from my childhood. And there was a little smirk on my father's face as if he was proud of me to speak up or so i thought about it in that way. He after years spoke to me "alright then you're going to get out of this house and start living on your own" he speaks as if i was never his child and he wasn't even bothered about it. Yet my mother held me and made few calls told me that i don't have to go through this alone.

Then again they started fighting and it was the edge of my threshold and i shouted so loud that it made me loose my breathe my brain couldn't get enough oxygen and i passed out. Fast forward to today i woke up in a strange house with a lady next to me that i've only seen in pictures in my blurred out memories.

Aunt Karina has been my mom's batchmate throughout school and college. She lives alone with one daughter still studying MBA here in Italy. My daily schedule used to be not really healthy my sleep schedule was not right and i didn't even eat much but here with aunt Karina i can be at little peace, i sleep as much as i want, i eat what she cooks and i earn for myself working from home. Life seems pretty simple to me here but yes the spicy part is what everyone wants in their life.

Aunt Karina's daughter Marina Francisco also called as Marie at home. She's the most annoying, rude, selfish, overly self obsessed and narcissistic girl i've ever seen but let me tell ya she's damn hot. A piece of work not everyone can handle, will use anyone for her own benefit and does everything according to her mood. As for the record she has cheated over 3 guys up until high school and is currently on her way to clubbing with her 4th boyfriend. She thinks of herself as a boss lady that's the most annoying part.

Aunt Karina never stopped her daughter from doing anything, she is a woman of open mind and doesn't limit enjoyment of life restricted to her thoughts unlike other parents. Everything seems so clear and peaceful right now i wonder if there could be something concerning her. I'm not sure how to turn up the spicy part in my life. I hardly had any experience of dating in my school because i was the average looking shy guy. And i really am insecure about my looks so it's not easy for me to go approach any girl i want.

Marina looks at me with the eyes of disgust but recently she's being nice to me, she helps me do the house chores and even asks me if i need some help with work. What should i feel about her? I am usually confused but as long as she's acting nice i'll enjoy the privilege of avoiding her boss lady attitude.

Following morning i get a mail from a big client. The project is worth a lot of money if done right but for the video content i'll need to ask a model to capture their pictures. And i'm in a new city with no connections here, i have no idea how i'm gonna pull this through. For the past few days since i moved everything has been going smoothly but with this project i feel a bit of stress piling up on me. I probably need to calm myself a bit *pulls out mobile and opens fapstagram* 10 minutes into it searching for a good video to match the mood suddenly hears a knock on the door. "Knock - knock" who's there? I asked. "Marie" she replied. *Panics* oh shit i need to put my pyjama back on or she will catch me, i panicked too hard that my legs got stuck in my underwear and as i was about to hold the door to stop myself from falling i ended up opening it instead. There was Marie looking at me tangled in my boxers holding my staff. The look of disgust she gave me i will never forget that.

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