Chapter-9 The sweet kiss

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I've an important class tomorrow i'll go off to bed early goodnight you two. Goodnight honey, goodnight Marie. *climbs up the stairs while having a last eye contact with her mother* Let me get the dishes and you know what to do right Yaksha? Yes Karina i'll be waiting for you in the room. Uh-huh not so fast big boy i know you want a reward so bad but before that, come here and help mommy get all the stuff wrapped up and remember the more you wait the sweeter will be the taste of revenge. Revenge? Wha...? *kissing him lightly with her soft lips covered in cherry flavoured lip gloss* The more you wait the sweeter will be the gift you get tonight.

Alright Karina i'll wait and help you (what was that just now did i get kissed by her for real?? I'm sure this is all just a play i cannot fall for it). All done now! Let's g....(hugging him again squishing his face between her tits) oh dear boy, i cannot put it in words how much i have imagined about this night. I hope you're not tired because i'll make you keep going until you're totally satisfied.
It'll be up all night as long as you want it. (Marie still trying to hear everything hiding around the stairs waiting for them to go into her room and lock the gate) come let mommy take you to the bed and i'll feed my boy good.

*entering into the room with fragrance of lavender filled inside*  i know how much you love that fragrance. It's the same that i use on my body. I want you to inhale every last essence of it. (She's triggering my weakness if this goes on i'll loose control over my senses). Do you like it Yaksha? Yes...Karina i love it. *gently touching his chest and running down her fingers to his navel* i'm sure this is gonna be one hell of a night don't you think? I can't wait to have you Karina. Shhhh remember the more you wait the sweeter will be your reward. *pushes down Yaksha on the bed and closes the door* that's my signal mom has finally locked the gate i need to go into his room now and find that piece of earring.

Don't even think about moving until i tell you to. "Your command is my wish mommy". That's like a good boy. Now tell me do you want to taste those sweet lips again? Yes mommy i wanna have a taste. *get's over his body and cover him like a blanket. With knees crossed along his waist* leaning down while rubbing her chest across his face Karina makes eye contact with me. My lips can't wait any more come here. "Yaksha holds the back of her neck and pulls Karina in for a kiss". The soft noises of those 2 pair of lips touching each other. The lips smacking with sweet taste getting them all wet and moist. *soft things leading to hard reactions / (erections, while kissing Karina continuously) my body is getting too hot i don't feel this is normal. Is it because i got touched by a woman for the first time? Oh gosh i'm super horny right now. I don't think i'll be able to control. Fuck i'm gonna grab her i can't...."aren't you getting too excited honey"? *rubs his face and kisses him softly* "i'm not letting you go anywhere tonight".

Man i'm stuck what about the earrings i don't have any time to think about them i'm actually super horny and if this keeps going on i will not be able to keep myself in control she's making me loose my mind. "Oh baby you like it"? Every touch on my skin is turning me on, Yaksha replied. Your body feels so warm, are you okay baby? No i'm not i want you to satisfy me. Are you sure you want your aunt to satisfy you? Yes please Karina do it, i can't take it anymore. Alright let me unbutton your pants, you've been hiding something that i need from you. (What the fuck am i doing it need to find those earrings but at this rate i'll fail). "Karina rubbing his hand all over his dick over his underwear" oh dear boy you're so hard right now as if your dick is going to tear apart this underwear.

(Author's knowledge note: When humans undergo specific stressful situations their brains leave a chemical called adrenaline in the body, which can boost your physical abilities  for the moment. These chemicals combined with some amino acids can also affect the brain in several ways. Like triggering some memories that have been forgotten or put aside by the brain because of some reasons)

I've told you so many times not to play with that kid. But mom he's our classmate. No means no! A mother snatching her child away from young Yaksha. Mom, "why does everyone avoid me at school?" Come here honey, (yaksha's mother hugging him) someday we'll go away from here and you'll make a lot of friends. WHAT RUBBISH ARE YOU TEACHING HIM? He's just a child we cannot let him see all of this at such a young age. It's already planned and we can't do anything against the GPUs. But he's our child, how can you..... JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE HE WILL LEARN ON HIS OWN. *gentle kiss on the forehead* and you'll sleep now like a good boy, ignore everyone who doesn't want to play with you okay?

Dammit where did he put that goddam earring? I should check his personal stuff. Marie reaches for the small box with the old stuff that Yaksha had with his luggage when his parents left him. What is all these stuff, some toys and this weird looking anime diary. Who watches that kid stuff? There is no earring here let's check his clothes. Wtf is this a boomerang? It's so stiff no wait this looks like a sock... what the fuck. Why did i even touched it gosh no. He's horrible. Ah right found it in the pocket of pants he was wearing earlier. Mom will not ground me now. Everything happened according to the plan.

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