Chapter-7 The unholy dream

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A Man's secret dream is to do unholy things and never get caught. Unconsciously i was on the verge of completing that dream. We wrapped everything up and then went to her bedroom. She pulled the curtains over the windows so that no one would see us. Turned the room lights to dim and then asked me to come lay down on the bed. Nervous as hell i didn't know what to do. She laid down by my right side and then asked me to turn my face to her. She held my face and pulled it towards her chest, she hugged me and the rest of my body.

The fragrance of lavender, her beautiful breast, everything was a turn on for me and some soft things led to hard things. Imagine the biggest boner a person can have. The height of being turned on. It was the peak moment of my sexual tension. The way she was hugging me i'm definitely sure that she felt my boner poking her. But somehow she didn't react to it. I kept staring at her tits and it was such a pleasant yet irritating experience that i couldn't do anything i was just lying there and didn't know what to do if she noticed me or my boner.

I don't wanted her to feel weird that all of sudden. And just like that i slept whole night taking in big breaths near her and inhaling every last mist of that lavender perfume. Next day i woke up in the bed alone and she had already left to do the house chores. But i really wish there was a way to make her agree to do all those things that i wanted to do with her. If only there was a way to make all that possible. I would have traded even my soul to do that. Talking about trading souls i remembered that guy from the donut shop. He was blabbering about part in some ritual. I'm not sure if he knows something but it won't hurt to give a try.

Before going to the old guard at the donut shop it was time for Marie's photoshoot. I went to her room and the door was open still, i knocked the door and called out her name. There was no reply so i entered the room. Marie came out of her changing Room with the dress i told her to wear it was a bright wine colour We went to the setup in did previously and she was trying to zip her dress but her hands couldn't reach properly. "Oh hey, can you fix this chain"? She asked. I went closer to her and she smells so great, she remover her hair from back and asked to zip her chain. Marie said "The chain is supposed to go upwards you know that right"? I was not in my zone after hearing that and my mind kept saying to me take it down not upwards.

I pulled her even more closer to me and chained her up good. Now was the time to make some money. We went to spot i prepared previously for the photoshoot and we clicked some great pictures together. She looked fine when she was getting clicked. What more does a girl want? A guy with camera who can capture the moments for her. And click beautiful pictures of her. After the session i gave her cut as promised 10k and she gave a cheek kiss before going, everything went so smoothly that i couldn't believe it actually happened. Well now i can make triple the amount after this photoshoot so i guess it was a fair deal.

Having a lot of free time on me i decided to pay a visit at the donut shop again.
To get more information about that ritual stuff. The old man was still there sitting and as always dozing off at the shift. So once again i get up to the door and ask is the shop open, he didn't answer, maybe it's of no use i came for no reason. "You're that boy" i saw you. Huh? Me? Yes you came by the other day. You remember me (with watery eyes) i was looking for you, i wanted to ask about the ritual thing you said back then. What was it? Oh that..... why do you ask? Your young blood has totally nothing to do with those stuff, focus on your career young man go enjoy your youth.

But i really want to know maybe is that a satanic ritual like they say in Hollywood, it can give you fame, money anything in return of selling your soul. There's nothing like that happening here, the man who came by had some different motives, he looked sad yet it felt like he was being controlled or forced to do something, a part of him didn't wanted to do it. Can you tell me the whole story if you don't mind. A man came-by and asked me to participate in an experiment or ritual you may say. He promised me that he will give me lots of money but there was one condition that i may die or forget who i am.

Who was that person if i may ask? I don't know his name but he said he was new here and was looking for volunteers for his project. Something doesn't add up here i am missing something. Thanks gramps for the information. Don't try to participate in such things you need to stay away from matters like this. On my way back i saw the officer who came to arrest me on patrol. They stopped by to donut to shop to fill themselves in. The main officer who arrested me at my home waved at me so i greeted him. "You're one lucky bastard" officer said. Lucky why do you say? Just imagine living in the same house with those beauties and having all the money you wanted without a care of the world it must be so easy for you to get anything you want right?

It's not like that you don't know anything about my life. I thought clicked in my mind to ask officer about who filled the complaint against me. "I hope you have no concerns if i as who filled the complaint against me?" Oh hell naw that information is top secret file shit we cannot tell you anything from that sorry boy you gotta try harder than that. Having no clue of i decided to turn back and go away. But officer suddenly stopped me and asked tell me about that old hag that lives in your house, i've heard a lot of rumours about her. Are you talking about aunt Karina? Yes her only what is her deal? What do you mean officer?
Oh he's just a kid leave him alone, the other officer replied.

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