Chapter 10-SLAVE

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"We have only started and you're already breathing so hard"
Karina... it's all your fault for making me this horny.
(The kamini i mixed in his food is surely working, i just need to take it a little further and he'll be done for good)
I think we're done here, taking her hands off from his boner and leaving him in surprise as to what happened.
WHAT?? What happened Karina i think we were....
You silly boy you really thought everything will happen according to you?

Marie should have done her work by now, i don't need to play with this boy anymore but touching his dick has kinda turned me on too. I think i'll play with him a little.

Alright you want me to help your situation?
Yes, i uh...(what the fuck just happened, she's gonna ruin all of my plan and i haven't even started to look for the earrings yet)
"Only on one condition" Marie said. I will do it only if you agree to be my SLAVE i'll use you whenever i feel like and you'll follow my command, without a single question.
A slave??? But you...
"Yes and it starts right now or i'm leaving"
Alright fine i agree, tell me what should i do. (THIS BITCH WHAT DOES SHE THINKS SHE CAN CONTROL ME).

First of all you'll call me MOMMY from now on, i want to see you begging with that stupid look on your face i just want to see that.
(This bitch is really using me, idk what to do i feel so helpless and irritated)
Yes mommy, i will agree to whatever you say.
"I hate that face of yours it reminds me of your stupid father"
(What is she talking about, what has my father anything to do with her)
Wait, you just mentioned my.. (grabs his hair from the back and pushing his face between her legs)
That stupid face of yours look good here and you dare speak without my permission?? This will be your punishment now. Open your mouth and let me feel that tongue licking my pussy. And don't forget that you're my slave. You're not allowed to stop until i tell you to.
I will cut your tongue if you stop before i am satisfied.

That's right my good boy lick it like a good slave serve your mommy good. There's no need for you to breathe, i don't care, keep your mouth wide open and suck this pussy. Keep moving your tongue just like that. (Pulling his hair and ramming his face down between her legs)
I just love the look on your face. This feeling of taking revenge oh fuck this feels so good. You're gonna be my free to use toy from now on.
[Marie must have found the earring by the time now. I should stop the act but his little face between my legs is just so satisfying, i think i will use him good maybe next time.]
All right we're done here!
*panting* oh i was....i almost lost breathe
Now listen up boy. Here's the deal whenever i want i will use you however i see fit to it and you dare deny even once, then get ready to see your life turn upside down. I'm a living nightmare for you Yaksha, just obey my orders and you'll fine as long as you behave as my SLAVE.
Do you understand?

Yes i will be your loyal servant. [what the fuck does she think, this will not happen again, the guilt, the defeat i feel right now, and she just humiliated me in the worst way possible. I can't accept this.]
Now get out of my room and be ready for the next time. And don't forget "YOU OBEY MY ORDERS" you don't have a choice baby boy. Now take that stupid face of yours out of my sight.

[slams his hand on the wall after coming out of the room]
I'm such a piece of crap, how can i let this be, i lost my only chance to find that earring and there's no way now to do this again. Karina beat me to my own game, she probably knew it. And everything happened according to her.
It's so irritating.
I just don't know how to.... Just forget it i don't think i will be able to do anything in front of them.
There's so much that i still don't know, she talked about my father, she forced me to..... it may have been my first ever experience but this sense of being controlled. It's so irritating, most of all she fucking ruined a good moment and rather chose to dominate me. I should go back to my room and rest for a bit. I don't know how to process all of this at once.

What the fuck happened here? All of my clothes, shoes, cupboard, table everything is a mess. Someone was here, no a thief can't be it must have been someone else. Remembering that Marie was the first one to leave after eating so that means... FUCKING HELL was she here for the earring? There's no way both of them are working together. If this is true then all of my plans are ruined. Checking the cupboard i kept it somewhere around here. She even pulled out my "boomerang socks" fuck it, she already found it and now the only piece of evidence i had against them is lost. I can't even be straight up with them and go ask who entered my room.

[meanwhile in Karina's room]
You idiot, i told you to not make it so obvious but let's leave it, doesn't matter now. We've got the earring and he can't do anything about it now. He'll never catch us and next time he will be done for sure. I will take my revenge surely. If not his father then his son works for me. SHREYA i hope you're looking from the heavens above. That finally my revenge will prevail.

{AUTHOR'S NOTE: Fellow readers and humans, this is an update to let you know that i've been working lately and the time on my watch is running very very short. I'm in type of situation where i'm not even getting appropriate time period to manage my socials, my personals and everything, even breathing feels like a break to me. I hope you guys stay tuned for the upcoming updates, please put some faith in me. I have a lot to share and a lot to talk about, things that will totally catch your attention and keep you hooked, so let's continue and i'll try to post on weekends if i get time. My heart felt gratitude to anyone who's reading this.}

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