Chapter-3 The alarms of past

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Aunt Karina rushes to the door to see what's going on, as she opened the gates there were two police officers about to ring the door bell. "Hi officers how can i help you?" She asked. There is an arrest warrant on the name of Yaksha in offence of drug dealing without the authority to do so. The long spaghetti pasta hanging from my mouth just dropped and hit the plate real quick and i was totally unaware of the situation, Warrant??? On my name??? For drug dealing???

Those things never struck in my head even if i was low on money but for some reason they were here. Taken into the police car with my hands tied, saw aunt Karina crying for the first time and there was Marie with that little smirk on her face as if she was really happy with my arrest. At the police station they locked me up behind bars and everyone was just there laughing at me. "I'm innocent i never did those things" i said "every nigga who have stash says that" they replied.

After few minutes the phone rings at the table the head officer picked the call and in his voice there was fear as if he listened to some satanic voice. After a simple conversation of "yes sir" "YES" "i'll immediately send him home". And he put the phone down. Ordering the other officer to open the gates for me i was still in confusion what was happening. They let me free from behind the bars and asked me to say that we're lucky to have known your dad. Scratching my head i asked my dad? "Mr. Vijay Malhotra" how do you guys know him? And who was on that call?

We all are gonna get half a year's payment today only boys let's have fun. "Go back home man you have a really good life", good life? Even i was wondering and the hell was going on but since i know the nature of my father he probably paid off my charges and bailed me out. But still why did they all look afraid if he was the one who called? I don't understand anything. But most of all the biggest problem i have in my mind right now is who made that complaint against me? I have to do some investigation on my own. While on my way back to home i found an earring on near my house entrance right where the police officer was supposed to be standing. The silver bangle type big earring i really doubt a police officer would wear it.

But it maybe worth keeping. Putting in my pocket i knocked the door. And there was Marie, she was so shocked to see me back and the first words that came out of her mouth were "why are you back" how did they leave you free??? She was frighteningly shocked and she really didn't look happy with my arrival. But Aunt Karina on the other hand who was sitting on the chair where i was eating my pasta she came running to me in eyes full of tear and hugged me between her big arms (you know what i'm talking about). She hugged me and even squeezed me harder while i was grasping for air, the smell of sweet lavender from her cleavage was heavenly. Although she couldn't stop crying she kept saying i was so worried for you why would they take you i know my Yaksh would never do that. "I would never do that Aunt Karina trust me" and who ever did that complaint against me. I will definitely find that person and make them pay.

But how will you find them, i don't want you to get into these types of things Yaksha. Don't worry about me Aunt Karina i'll be alright i just want to know who did it. And why would my father pay to those officers. "I called your mum"and asked her if she could do something i had no idea it will reach to your father i'm really sorry as i was wondering about the real culprit and my blood was boiling only thinking about it my face was really dead with no emotions and i didn't pay attention to anything that Aunt Karina said. I was so angry at that point and she started crying again "i'm sorry i didn't wanted to hurt you" let me make it upto you. "It's alright Aunt Karina just try to gather yourself upon i'm totally fine.

Anything that i say won't stop you from finding them. Then be it but don't get yourself hurt i don't want that happening to my friend's son. I have no idea why anyone would do that to you. "don't worry i have some clue" what clue she asked. I take out the earring i found from my pocket and show it to her. This is the only thing that i have right now. But i'll soon find out whose earring is it. Both Aunt Karina and Marie saw the earring as if they both knew something.

I need to be careful with everything and at this moment i can't trust anybody it's upto me totally but something else is worrying me more. It's about my dad and why did the police officers looked so scared when he called. There's something that i don't know. Maybe my parents have been hiding something from me i need to dig up more from my past. So as i go up to my room i pick out a box from the attic and look for stuffs from my childhood and there was a diary that i used to write when i was little. I don't know if it will be of much help but let's open it and see what can i find from my past.

When i opened a random page in my diary the words were not clear but it was written something like "today dada met a man with tattoos, i want one tattoo. Tattoo is cool. I want to be a big business man just like dada and buy everything and drink red juice every day." Tattoos i see, when i try to remember i don't know why i can't think of anything like that happening and the strange thing is why can't i remember anything this is my diary right??? I should have written this then why can't i remember anything?

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