Chapter-8 Who sleeps first?

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Why do i feel like i'm being hidden away from some key point of information here. I need to dig up more. Since my project is ended now, i can totally focus on finding that bastard who complaint against me. After reaching home aunt Karina invited me for lunch downstairs. "I hope you had good sleep last night sweetie" aunt Karina said. *choking on the food* ah- yes was a really good i had no idea when i slept. "Young blood sure has no control over their desires" *chucking with a smile* aunt Karina said. "What do you mean" i asked with those puppy eyes. I mean everything that your dirty mind thinks of. I don't understand what you're talking about aunt Karina...I_ i just....(she puts a finger on my lips) i've been thinking about it for so long. But i'm not sure if someone of my age should be concerned with you. What if you're not into older women? I'm so worried sometimes that i end up overthinking that i'll be alone forever....
aunt Karina you shouldn't.....CAN YOU DO ME A FAVOR YAKSHA? Yes Aunt Kari.....
(Puts her finger on my lips again) from now on i want you to address me by my name. Uh...alright i will do that au... i mean Karina i will do that for you.

Why are you getting upset. Are you worried about something? It's just that it has been so long and yes i feel too old for you. I'm not sure what you will even think about me? What if you saw my body and you are not...ughhhh.... Let's leave this topic. "YOU'RE AGING LIKE FINE WINE KARINA. AND I WANNA DRINK EVERY LAST DROP OF YOU, WITHOUT EVEN SPILLING A SINGLE DROP". What are you saying Yaksha are you sure about......NO we should STOP. This is not right for both of us. It'll be a big mistake Yaksha. I wouldn't mind repeating this same mistake everynight. *Door slams* (mommmmm i got your stuff) i think Marie is back, i need to go sweetie. It's alright Karina how about we continue.... (She already leaves and closes the door behind) -i hope i don't have to tell you where to find me- Karina said after opening the door back a little and leaves again.

Am i dreaming. Did that happen for real??? Am i gonna get laid tonight??? Man this is such a dream come true. I don't know what she finds cute about me but who cares? If i have a chance i'm gonna dive right into the hole. I guess my words about that wine really helped me set the pace i'm glad i follow @your0hit on Fapstagram. Now let's see what's happening downstairs. "I warned you not to be so loud and what if he recognises that this is not the same piece like that one?" But mom i tried everywhere this is the only "silver bangle type earring i could found. "You are such a useless girl" but mom.... Shut the fuck up, i will see what i can do with these earrings and i have to replace the ones he has somewhere in his room asap. What are they talking about it's just like the other day when Karina was talking to someone on the phone. I need to be careful while listening to them. What earrings? Is she talking about the one that i found.... NO WAY. No this cannot be happening right now. Just a moment before me and Karina were about to.... FUCK NOOOO
BUT WHY?? Why would both of them would do such a thing to me. I don't get it. It's already evening and i'll be in Karina's room after sometime. I need to find out what are they planning tonight only.

I need to calm down and think everything through that has happened yet. First i got sent to Karina's house, and my mom was the one who sent me here. But i don't remember when it happened. Then i got arrested for all those fake allegations and i the officer talked to my father and let me out. And my father even paid them, not even sure if it was my father or not but it sounded like they're talking about him. When i returned to home i found that earring and just from that moment both Karina and Marie have been keeping an eye on me. But when i was reading my old diary and i couldn't remember even a single thing, but i'm sure it was my diary and all those pent up emotions came down running my face when Marie came to comfort me. And the following day i heard Karina talking on the phone about something related to a chip, and that if it worked correctly or not. I still can't figure out what she was talking about and who she was talking to. But one thing is for sure the earring i found i the main key to solving this riddle. And tonight is the only time i'll have to find out when i'm in her room. If i overheard correctly Karina has the new earrings and she'll keep them somewhere in her room but i cannot let her know that i know about them or something.

While i distract him in my room i want you to do it right this time and go to his room find that earring and throw it away. Yes mom i understand i won't fail this time. If you love your freedom and don't want to get grounded then you must not make any mistakes this time. Yes mom i will do it correctly this time (a little conversation between Karina and Marie). It's almost time, go upstairs and call him for dinner. I'm going to add a little "kamini" to his plate and he will go nuts after eating it, and when i suck him dry he'll have the best sleep of his life *knocks on the door* Yaksha dinner is ready. Come downstairs when you're done. Alright i'll be there in a minute. It's now or never for me. Today is the day i have to find out what both of them are upto. And i need to know why they had me arrested. But before that i need to think about how to make her go to sleep, the only thing i can think of is "a woman has a good sleep if she's fucked good" because she'll be tired and the other is use of chemical or other stuff like drugs and sleeping pills. I cannot use the later methods so pounding her is the only option i have left other than waiting for her to sleep first tonight.

I need to be careful about searching the room when she sleeps and find those earrings without making any noise. And i also need to clear my face off of any emotions that may convey to them that i'm aware of them. I need to act innocent and dumb like all those manipulators i see in movies and anime.
It took you forever to come down. The food has been waiting for you. Karin... I mean Aunt Karina your food is always one of the best things to have in this entire world. I would trade 100 of Italian pizzas just to have a bite of food made by you. Aww aren't you sweet you big boy come here. *hugging him tightly* you always know how to make this old woman happy don't you? Oh come on you're the best even among our generation you'll definitely turn head. Alright alright i am impressed now eat your dinner before it get's cold. *everyone eating food while thinking about their individual missions for the night* a side eye followed by another side and ending up with a smile. Who will fool the other or who will win tonight?

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