Chapter-11 GPUs

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Ms. Marina Francisco you're failing in 3 majors again. And your modelling career won't be enough to cover up for your marks honey. If you don't start studying right now, you'll fail your finals.
What does that dork Karen think of herself. Failing me in 3 subjects!! That bitch must have some serious issues with me. Well i do have my ways to pass the exams so i won't have to worry about anything as long as i have Alason to use, that nerd will do anything for me. So i'll just copy everything from him.

Just like the past 14 years, this time we have the GPUs coming tomorrow to take few volunteers for their upcoming project. For more details check the circular on your panel boards and don't forget to submit your name.

Once again one of the biggest companies in the world are going to come to our college and ofc i want to get hired there, the GPUs or the great higher ups is a company that came out of no where and every year they go to other institutes and hire people to work for them, the criteria is unknown and the work profile says "HBC-human brain control" empowering you to live stress free. That's kinda catchy name for a company that big. Anyhow i'll have to ask Malishka about it, hope that she picks up the call this time. And talks to me like a real elder sister rather than being busiest girl in the world who doesn't care about anything except for her work.

[Meanwhile in HBC]
What if we still can't find the perfect "genome" are we still gonna continue the search for it, after failing for 13 years not even once a human has appeared who would match your expectations sir. It was only once and it happened 13 years ago. It's not gonna happen again.
Arlie, i know you're speaking in best of my interests. But i cannot give up, the GPUs are going to end everything and i will never be able to meet my son back. I'm doing all of it for him.

Sir, are you sure you don't want to talk to him even once, not even after he got arrested. It must be so hard for him to deal with it all alone. And how long are you going to pretend like you're the bad guy here, that too in the eyes of your own son.

He's the only one who can understand why i am doing all of this, if only i didn't made that mistake 13 years ago, if only Shreya was here. Things would be different but we cannot back off now. There's so much we have sacrificed and lied about. The time will come for us.

[Call ringing]
I told you not to call me at this hour of the day i am not free for your little girlie games. But Malishka i need your help, please for once hear me out. Mom never listens to me and her obsession with all of this revenge i don't understand shit about it and she's just ordering me around all day to do this or that. I don't know how long can it take it.

Is that why you called me, just to rant me about something totally rubbish?

I'm sorry Malishka i got carried away in my emotions. Actually the thing is we are having the GPUs visiting us tomorrow and since you graduated from our college and being one of the toppers who secured placement in the same company, i was wondering maybe if you can put in a good word for me to the manager if possible, like you're my elder sister and we're meant for each other right? You're my soulmate Malishka you're just the best when it comes to.... 

[call ended 01:01 minutes]
What the heck she ended the call. She's of no use to me, always trying to act all righteous and mature. Huh!

I wonder when people say they wake up grumpy do they feel like this? After everything that happened yesterday night, every detail about it is still haunting my mind. Her words still hurt like shit. As if i was cut with sharp edges. The humiliation was the worse part of it all. SLAVE i really did give into it. Was there nothing that i could do? If only i had someone to take advice from. If only dad was here... but he never did anything for me, all i remember is him yelling at mom and always stopping me from playing outside.
My memories are so faded i should start eating almonds.

But what should i do about this situation, i don't want to face Karina or Marie, i just want to disappear for sometime. I can't go downstairs, i'm gonna try getting out of my window. Just a few towels tied together, made knots with my socks and here we have the perfect rope a man has ever built. Let's put this down the window now and see if we can climb down with it.

[falls from 1st floor directly on his ass]

Lying down on this grass, i'm gonna remember this fall. Now let's head back to that donut shop followed by a visit to the police i'll try to gather up information i can about my father there's a lot i need to know about him. The thing bothering me the most is how i'm gonna take my revenge back when i have already lost so much? I need find something so i can turn the tables onto them.

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: The new characters that i mentioned in this chapter will be given full introduction real soon, but until then i need to find some clues on how to defeat and take revenge on those two leads. Honestly even i am starting to not like those characters, but since i'm the author they're very dear to me so let's see if their fate has lines of luck in it or not. The coming month is so busy for me but i'll surely take out time from it to post next chapter. Hope you keep reading]

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